A very merry Christmas

I bent my wife over the dining table and gave her my sausage for breakfast today. She was only wearing a t-shirt. She was on offer, so I took it. Now I've got that out of my system, it's cooking for family and enjoying the rest of the day.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 2 月 前 9


We're thinking of spending a week in Maspalomas and are looking for tips on the best clubs and bars for those looking for couples and single men. Also looking for swinger friendly hotels. Personal recommendations only please, not anything found online, I've already done that.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 9 月 前 15

Deleted videos

I like to tidy up my fave videos from time to time and get rid of ones that have been deleted or made user only. There were so many today, way more than usual. Looks like XH are messing around again spoiling our fun further.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 12 月 前 3

It had to happen one day...........

............... seeing someone we know whilst out on one of our adventures. I was sat in the bar area of a swingers club with my wife, about 3 hours drive from home, and in walked a woman that drew attention straight away. Short, tight dress, slut heels, tits almost falling out of it, clearly wanting to be looked at. Looking for cock. Then I saw her face and thought, 'No it can't be.' I looked at who she was with and recognised her husband. A couple we know from our local pub. Not friends but we know them to say hello to. All was fine until she looked over and saw us and her eyes widened and a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 1 年 前 19

Sounds and movements and over promising strangers.

Last weekend a strangers cock slid into my wife's pussy. Yes, there have been so many over the years but this one made her make a different sound. She's taken longer and thicker before but this one sounded special. As well as a combined 'ooh' and 'aahhgh' that's normal when she's having a good time there was a deep grunt and her head dropped onto his shoulder when she normally arches her back away from him. Her body went limp and I thought she'd passed out but it turned out she was just being lazy and was enjoying his cock with no effort on her part. As well as being not the longest or thickes… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 2 年 前 25

Do lots of mature wives get let down like this?

We went out on the prowl tonight for the first time in way too long. It didn't go as planned and got a bit drizzly with rain but the weather was mild and 2 young cocks went deep inside her up against a wall in a dark alleyway with boys met in a bar. She was available for the night but one of them had a gf and the other worried about work at 10 in the morning! The youth of today get slagged off and I can see why. They were scared to be put in a room with my wife for the night. I had a massive amount to drink so was looking forward to sitting back and seeing her fucked always. In the end my fing… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 3 年 前 68

The end of XH for amateurs?

We're no way near being big porn producers :) We now share only on chat, because we're sick of non contributors demanding more when they show nothing. That worked fine for a few years. Now we find our few public pics made owner only. I made them public again only to find them the next day back to owner and only XH admin can change it. So, I decided to look to see how to resolve this. First step, upload personal photo ID. Yea right, if we wanted to show our faces we would have done so 5 years ago on our pics, fucking for friends and family to see! Xh say they have safeguards but I trust them a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 3 年 前 58

Think before you type when chatting

Him: Wish i was closer, I'd love to get into her Me: She's available for fucking again after a long break Him: Mmm nice! Wish I was close by Why the long break? Me: covid Him: Oh yes :(… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 3 年 前 20

Bush or not to bush that is the question.

So, during the various lockdowns we have endured over the past 15 months or so wifeee went back to nature. No shaving, waxing or any other 'ing other than fuck 'ing with me took place. She followed convention for years and her bald or trimmed pussy was what was on offer for year after year. Now it's full bush, take it or leave it and guess what? Just as popular as ever. Nature gave her a neat triangle of black hair that looks perfect coated in cum so I've pulled out and coated her bush and loved the view many a time. We've chatted on here and so many expect shaved as the default. Well, news f… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 3 年 前 80


Having had no dogging fun since summer 2019 we're looking forward to getting out this summer. We enjoy watching videos of the sleazy fun people have in cars, forests, anywhere that's available. One thing we have noticed on out travels is the shortage of younger couples. It seems a 40+ activity. Maybe couples have done the swinging bit and are looking for something new and adventurous and try dogging. Maybe it's older women are more sexually confident to try dogging and having random fucks for a bit of fun. I just haven't noticed a new generation or maybe it's been too dark! So this rambling… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 3 年 前 65

First time?

There's so many vids on her 'wife first time shared' and 'wife first time 3sum' and they looks like they've been fucking others for years, so confident and relaxed and not a care in the world. If it's the tenth time say so, don't bullshit. If it's stranger 100, all the better, advertise it.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 3 年 前 21

He said pay for his wife pics!

https://xhamster.com/users/jsxz08 This scammer started chatting about his wife, showed 2 pics then wanted paying for more. Blocked… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 4 年 前 15

Another strange one.....

We got sent a random message today, a man asking for my wife's panties so he could wank and cum in them and send them back to us by 1st class post so they were still wet when we got them. I normally ignore shit like this but was polite for once and replied sorry that's not our thing and posting panties sounded too much like hard work to me. He didn't take kindly to that. He said that everyone wants tributes but won't do anything to get and deserve them! I don't remember ever asking for tributes. Needless to say this asshole has been added to the blocked' list. User name 'donkeydangler', it… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 4 年 前 20

What does 'no content no add' mean?

No content, no add. I think it speaks for itself. Lots on here are too stupid or don't bother to read. One gem today sent a request, I usually ignore and reject but after a few beers I replied: No content no add, as you would know if you bothered your ass to read our profile. You don't even say hi, to introduce yourself and say why you offer nothing. You don't even bother to delete friends who have retired. Only 83 days on here, I would have thought you'd be keen, you need to learn that this is a SHARING site, you give nothing, just take. Blocked. (Not really) Sorry to pick on one sorry ind… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 4 年 前 16


I've just seen my youngest sister in law's latest Facebook pics. Wow, even though I've never seen her in less than a t-shirt and jeans she is soooooooooo fuckable. One problem, my wife says if I touch her little sis then my testicles get removed with a blunt rusty knife. Sometimes life is so unfair!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 crossh2 6 年 前 125