Chastity try out

Just recording my chastity journey. Today I will be wearing my first chastity cage to work. I am in the process of acclimatizing to wearing the cage in the hope that when I introduce my wife to this I will be comfortable enough to wear it long term.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 curious30ish 2 年 前 3

New years eve dreaming about what could be

I am sitting here browsing a wide variety of porn on New years eve 21/22 and just thinking to myself how long do i need to continue my unsatisfied life living a lie where i can not be open with my wife. Am i the only sad sack here or are there others thinking the same? 20 years of living the most boring vanilla lifestyle with a woman who changed over night once marriage happened. A bit about us. She was married and a little older when we met. After rocking her world for 12 months she decided to leave her husband for a life more colorful. I mean Oral sex, Anal sex, Public sex, Sex with toys Str… 阅读更多内容

发表者 curious30ish 3 年 前 3