Bad Dragon Chance the Unflared Stallion: Review It is a 100% platinum cured silicone horse cock, and if your wondering "Where can I get myself one of those?" Just follow the link--> Mine is a medium in both size and in firmness. Appearance: 9/10 I've actually seen several horse cock in person and this thing is smaller, butt the shape is uncanny. I got this toy in onyx black which actually l… 阅读更多内容
INTERRACIAL BILL OF RIGHTS 1. Black men have the ABSOLUTE and inalienable right to have sex with you. It is your natural duty to sexually satisfy the Black Man in any way possible. It is your duty to perfect the art of fellatio, and practice vaginal muscle control to please a black man's penis. It should be your PRIMARY purpose in life to sexually serve the superior Black Man. 2. White men are always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS second to Black Men. If you happen to be in love with a white man it is still your duty to always put the sexual needs of black men first. If you marry a white man it is espe… 阅读更多内容
On yesterday we had a big party, lots of family members came over, some from out of town. Even thou it was kinda chilly i still cooked out on the grill. My wife was running around all day, and the guest beat her to the house. So while i was on the grill my niece and cousin came over. My niece Nakia with her sexy ass, had on a short skirt and fitted top that showed her juicy tities, and i couldnt keep my eyes off them. First i was kinda shy about looking but said hey what the hell im only looking. She offered to help, so i gave her some things to carry in the house. All of a sudden i heard glas… 阅读更多内容
Okay, I wasn't going to tell no one, but were all family right? :) yesterday, I was sitting in my office, going over a few things when Terri walked in. She said that she needed to talk. I didn't mind I had a few minutes before I had to come out anyway so I shut the door and told her to sit down. Terri was young, I didn't kno how old she was but I knew she was still in school. In my office I keep the meeting chairs pushed back away so I can get a full view, if u know what I mean. This day Terri had on a short red skirt and a nice top that cling to her perky tits just right. Well she sat with he… 阅读更多内容
The other day, I was outside on the grill my daughter was home from college and she brought two of her friends over. My wife ran to the store and its just and the girls. It's a hot day, so they got on short skirts and tank tops, tits and ass everywhere. They put on some music, and r shaking their tight firm ass. I can hardly concentrate they look so good. I mean their bending over, grinding on each other and everything. Then my step daughter says come on dad, show them how u do it and she's all over me. I couldn't believe it. She's in the back her friend is n the front RUBBIN her ass all on my… 阅读更多内容
Plantation Owner - Next Day
George Snyder woke up. It was a Saturday morning. His housemaid, Molly, was knocking on his bedroom door. He had a crazy hangover. His pretty little quadroon sissy was in the bed still sleeping. George opened the door partially and said to the maid. “I don’t need anything up here. I’ll be down in my study shortly. Meet me there. I have some more orders for the day.” George put on a pair of brown trousers and a long-sleeve white shirt. He walked down the grand staircase of his mansion. The semi-muscular man hollered, “Molly!” “Yessuh,” replied the nervous woman. “I need you and the rest… 阅读更多内容
Thug Fucks Youngie
Darren woke up. It was a Saturday morning. His baby mama was at the hairdresser and had taken his daughter along with her. The five-foot-nine, one-hundred-ninety-four-pound man climbed out of his bed. He walked into the bathroom and washed up. He knew his neighbor, Jenny, was at work by now, He knocked on her apartment door. Jenny’s eight-year old son answered. He smiled and said, “Hi, Darren!” The 26 year-old thug with the gold grill on his top teeth with X-shaped diamonds on it replied, “Come to my house.” “Okay, daddy!” Darren went back to his apartment. He waited for the youn… 阅读更多内容
How it started,
not my story exactly , but it is Identical in almost every way, When i was 15 I was walking in some woods near a beach,I came upon a clearing found some old under wear.used rubbers and a baby oil bottle,I also found a bunch of gay porn,some mags and paper backs.I started reading them and got very turned on,I loved seeing the guys sucking and getting fucked.I got naked and jo twice while reading it.When I was done I took the porn further into the woods and hide it,I'd go back almost everyday strip and jo,when I was home I used my moms candles to stick up my ass as I jo an as surprised how fa… 阅读更多内容
Anal Sex ? and answers
 For many people, anal sex is the ultimate taboo. Buttfucking makes it sound crude and dirty, sodomy sounds technical. In the 1990's, anal sex has been given the bad rap because HIV, the virus that causes Aids, is most easily transmitted by anal intercourse. But some people love anal sex. Others hate it. Others haven't tried it yet and are curious. And many people are attracted to it precisely because it's so taboo and mysterious. What is analingus? One other part of the body that some people enjoy licking, or having licked, is the anus. The anus has half the nerve endings in the pelvi… 阅读更多内容
This experiment is very simple and very accurate…It must be done exactly as I say so follow the diretions! now before you start you should have TWO things… 1. something to stick in your ass like a butt plug 2. a dildo or something like a cock for your mouth to suck on (lube for jerking off is optional) ~ you will be doing this experiemnt while watching porn on the internet so I suggest a site like You will have to have some control while doing this… you must NOT cum the first two times you jerk off… Start… get some gay porn on your computer and watch it for a little… 阅读更多内容
Dr. Seuss's Purity Test
Have you done it on a boat? Have you done it while afloat? Have you done it in a car? Have you done it in a bar? Have you done it on the beach? Have you done it with the teach? Have you done it on your back? Have you done it strapped to a rack? Have you done it in a box? Have you done it with multiple cocks? Have you done it in a tree? Have you done it with more than three? Have you done it in the rain? Have you done it for the pain? Have you done it packed in rubber? Have you done it undercover? Have you done it in the dark? Have you done it in a park? Have… 阅读更多内容
Sissy Lists of What to hear, say, do... Suggestio
Reasons to get with a CD/Sissy 1. We always dress like Whores. 2. We are easy. 3. We know how to work a cock. 4. We do what your GF won't. 5. We never turn down anal. 6. We like the taste of cum. 7. "No" means "Yes" 8. We know our place. 9. You don't have to ask twice. 10. We are never tired for sex. 11. People expect certain things from us 12. Everyone knows our desires 13. We obey orders 14. Will accept being demoted to a sexual object 15. Can be pimped out Things Sissies Love to Hear 1. Get on your knees. 2. Shut-up and turn around, bitch. 3. No, you are not… 阅读更多内容
A guide to deep fisting
This is a guide to deep fisting only. If you can't fit a fist or two in your ass with ease then don't bother reading this. Get your toys out and go start stretching. However if you feel comfortable being fist fucked in the ass and looking to go deeper then read on. Before I get started with the technicalities I have identified four key aspects to deep fisting. Patience, communication, cleanliness and lubrication. I think they are all self explanatory but will explain in a little more detail. Patience, probably the most important aspect. Don't expect to be elbow deep in you… 阅读更多内容
WHY I LIKE WOMEN..!!!! visual
Sissy Pledge and Contract
The BBC Sissy Pledge and Contract As a BBC loving sissy I pledge to always do my best to be sexy for my MAN. As a BBC loving sissy I pledge to only wear feminine clothing, makeup, wigs, panties, bras, stockings, high heel shoes and/or lingerie. I will be HIS sissy bitch 24/7 unless it is not possible due to circumstances. (I.E.: work) I will keep my body shaven smooth for HIM. I will start hormone therapy to become more feminine if HE wishes. As a BBC loving sissy I pledge that I will make improvements, enhancements, procedures or surgeries if deemed necessary by and for my MA… 阅读更多内容
Find Your Perfect Size
What is Big Really? Can a big penis simply be classified by it's dimensions alone? Well pretty much yes. However, what is big for one girl can be too big for another and maybe even small for another woman. Therefore you will NEED to find your perfect size. Answer Yes or No to the following questions and see below for analysis on your responses. 1. You need to tighten your PC (vagina muscles) in order to feel pleasure or orgasm. 2. You do not enjoy positions such as doggy style, reverse cow girl, lap dance or standing doggy style due to limited sensation? 3. You get so wet at tim… 阅读更多内容
How To Have Anal With Your Partner
First, experiment on your own. Use fingers and toys and lots of lube. I recommend that you get your hands on a butt plug, get your ass on that butt plug, and get yourself off with that butt plug in your ass. Exploring anal penetration solo will allow you to experience anal pleasure without any pressure or expectations, TUSH. You can really take your time and you won't feel like you're disappointing your boyfriend if you have to bail. Your boyfriend should do the same. I don't care if your boyfriend is a top — or thinks he is, or is topping because you want to bottom — your boyfriend will… 阅读更多内容
12 Tips To Anal Fucking
There are 12 simple rules which are to tell you how to begin, where to continue, when to finish and how to get the maximum pleasure from the gay anal sex with your beloved one... 1. Till AIDS/HIV is a problem, you should always use condoms. A single unprotected intercourse may make you suffer for the rest of your life. 2. Use water- or silicon-based lubricants in significant quantities. Both oils and petroleum jelly do reduce any condom protective capacity quickly. You may lubricate your dick itself or the condom. But take care: lubricate only the end of your dick to prevent your condom… 阅读更多内容
The Fish In The Pond Do Not Exist For You To Eat b
I got asked recently how I felt about women only agreeing to meet new dates at BDSM munches. It's problematic, they said, because some people in the community don't want to risk being outed by being at a public place with a bunch of openly-kinky people. The thing is, on one level that's an entirely legitimate question: What happens if the people you want to date are only willing to meet you in ways that you're uncomfortable with? And the answer is, "Then you shouldn't date those people." Which is sad. It's always sad when you can't date someone because they have criteria in place that fi… 阅读更多内容
16 Orgasm problems only women understand.
I found this on facebook and thought i'd share the giggles with y'all :) 1. When you say "Don't stop" and he totally changes what he's doing. I said, "Don't stop," which means don't go faster, don't go harder, just literally do exactly what you're doing! 2. When you have to casually shift your body so his body is in the right spot. "Oh, I'm just moving, just getting more comfortable, just getting to a place that actually feels remotely good to me." 3. When you just lose it. "I was so close! So close! And no, William, I don't know what happened!" 4. When you finally orgasm but it'… 阅读更多内容
The Pussy-Licking-Guide for evolved people in 15 m
#1: Tell her she is beautiful and mean it. Most women are shy about their bodies. Even if you’ve got the world’s most gorgeous woman in bed with you, she’s going to worry about how you like her body. Tell her it’s beautiful, tell her which parts you like best, tell her anything, but get her to trust you enough to let you down between her legs. #2 Stop and appreciate her unique flower Now stop and look at what you see. Beautiful, isn’t it? There is nothing that makes a woman more unique than her pussy. I know. I’ve seen plenty of them. They come in all different sizes, colors and s… 阅读更多内容
9 Inches of Beef (BIG DICK WORKOUT) (TRY IT)
Watch that show on Adult Swim The Heart, She Holler? I watched one episode. HERE'S MY BIG DICK WORKOUT ROUTINE! Not mine really but mine get me. No actually it comes from penisadvantagedotcom a great site of which I am a lifetime member. You want more go there. Here's the vulgar gist of it all. Take a hot shower or take a hot wash cloth to the penis for 5 minutes. This is the warm up k you're about to workout so get focused. Do some kegels get the blood flowing (squeeze your pc muscle - you know when you stop your piss that muscle - quick squeezes long hold squeezes the more the m… 阅读更多内容
recognised from SH
This happened 7 years ago now its still fresh in my mind so thought I’d put it to paper, so to speak. When I first moved to Lincoln after a break up with my ex and a change of career I found myself 80 miles from friends and family and a little out of pocket from all the changes and expenses so my nights were pretty much a matter of doing up my new flat and sat with a laptop in chatrooms perving away. After a while I was spending most of my time in the gay,bi room and often after a few hours and a few drinks I’d get a little carried away and start to perform, the comments would come in and I… 阅读更多内容
For TOPS, why don't you just do it???
Dear Alpha Top, Why don't you just do it? There are a bunch of little queer faggot bottoms who would just love it if you contacted them right now. Go to CL dot com and search "all personals" or "casual encounters" and type in or click on T4M. I guarantee you will be balls deep in some appreciative little trap by the end of the week who will thank you for dumping your cum into her tummy from one end or the other. Why do you real men sit in front of the computer and fantasize about using us while stroking your big cocks when you could be doing it for real? Don't be self consciou… 阅读更多内容
From Africa with Love
Hey yo! The last time we talked, I was telling you how I had graduated to now getting black dick on the regular...well, ORAL, anyway. I was giving Dom BJ's on my lunch breaks and stopping by his apartment in the evenings and weekends for 6ixty-9ing, mutual masterbation and such. No less than twice a week and many weeks almost every day and yes on a few memorable occasions, twice a day (!)... I also made a friend with "shared interests" (ie, black dicks) who introduced me to the wonderful world of giving BJs to random black guys we'd meet, never to be heard from again....but more on her late… 阅读更多内容