my wife asks are you gay?

My Wife Asks Are You Gay? "Joe, can I ask you a question?" Jada, my wife of 10 years asked me. "Sure, what is it?" "Are you gay?" she asked. "What?" I asked, trying to quell the fear that I was certain was obvious in my voice. "Why would you ask that?" "Joe, I'm not as naive as you think. I've seen the sites you visit on the Internet. I've watched some of the porn you've watched. They all show men having gay sex most of them black guys? I've even seen your responses to Craigslist postings." So there it was. I underestimated my wife's tech knowledge and her curiosity about what… 阅读更多内容

发表者 rollpayer1105 6 年 前 102

How It All Got Started

此帖仅对 BLK_ALPHA 的好友可见
发表者 BLK_ALPHA 4 年 前

How Gay Are You? found on another blog

How Gay Are You? found on another blog Ever wondered exactly how gay you are? Take this fun quiz and find out. Share your score in the comments below! (If you answer YES to any of the following questions, add the points to your total.) 1. Would you rather date a shemale over a regular girl? (2 points) YES 2. If a girl said she wanted to watch you suck a cock, would you do it? (2 points) YES 3. Have you been curious enough about what semen tastes like to eat your own cum? (1 point) YES 4. Have you ever stuck something up your ass while masturbating? (1 point) YES 5. Have you ever had phon… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cal955 7 年 前 151

Are you a Faggot?

First off, let me be clear that i am not using the term faggot in a pejorative sense. One of the most effective ways of taking the sting out of a word is to re-appropriate it from the haters, and redefine it yourself. This must of course happen in a supportive environment, among those who accept you as you are. That enables you to defiantly and bravely own up to what you are. And to realize that there are appreciative Alphas/Men out there who would love nothing better than to have their own personal fag. Don’t let others keep you from living the life that fits you best. And without shame. In t… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cal955 6 年 前 78


Os voy a contar la última experiencia sexual de nuestro matrimonio. Somos una pareja felizmente casados durante casi 20 años, mi mujer, aunque ya ha llegado a los 40 años, aún mantiene un cuerpo perfecto, tiene un culito muy rico y unas tetas muy bien puestas. Los hombres cuando la ven se fijan en ella y la ven como una autentica milf. No hace mucho andando por la ciudad, se encontró ella a un antiguo amigo de la facultad, el iba con su mujer y un niño pequeño. Vi que ella se emocionó bastante, el y ella se pusieron a hablar mientras yo y su mujer nos apartamos un poco. Cuando ya nos despedimo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Pepepollagorda 2 年 前 25


Por fin llego el dia de la sorpresa, mi mujer me prometió que me daría un regalo que según ella no se me olvidara jamás. Ella me vendo los ojos y me dijo -espérate en el salón y cuando yo te avise subes al dormitorio, pero con los ojos aún vendados-, yo estaba muy nervioso, por lo que conozco a mi mujer seguro que era algo relativo al sexo. Y al poco rato me dio una voz y me dijo -ya puedes subir-.Llegué al dormitorio con cuidado de no tropezar, entré y noté que allí había alguien más. Hice el amago de quitarme la venda de los ojos, pero ella me regañó, -no amor aún no te lo quites- Me quitó… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Pepepollagorda 1 年 前 25

A great story on being a sissy

i have been steadily moving along the path of feminization ( each step that i take making me want to take yet another. i am only a part time sissy with family and work to consider but i know that the path is only forward, not backward. So i thought i would offer 30 of my own observations and experiences in this journey and wonder if others might share some of their experiences. 1. It all started with a pair of panties. One day i put on a pair and was amazed at the feeling. Sexy, feminine, intoxicating and so very right. Now it is panties most every day and i love the truth of being a panty… 阅读更多内容

发表者 menext 7 年 前 21

Another lucky black owned white sissy

Oh, ok, I took a glass out and turned around, and James was right in front of me. "You know, you did a really good job on my lawn today. I was thinking, maybe 20 bucks isn't enough. "Well what else did you have in mind?" I asked. "I had one or two things in mind." with that he kissed me. His strong hands grabbed my hips, and his soft wet tongue massages mine. He held me tight with his strong hands, and I surrendered to him. He pressed against me and our bodies were connected. I could feel his thick black meat growing bigger and bigger, in anticipation of what was to come, mine did the same.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 menext 3 年 前 22