Don't know how many will see this, but I have a question ... do women REALLY like tribute pictures? I would really like to know. I've been asked to do them ... and I have done them ... but wondered what the opinions are.… 阅读更多内容
Voyeuristic Tendencies
I have voyeuristic tendencies. Not deliberately going out to peep on anyone, and certainly not taking surreptitious photos (which is wrong is so many ways). But I can't help but glance when a good looking woman walks by in tight leggings, or bends over with a loose top ... or sits in the train with her short skirt stretched across her upper thighs giving a small line of sight to her panties stretched tight across her crotch. Two of the most erotic sightings for me both happened on holiday one time when I was in my late twenties. The first was when I was lounging in the sun by the pool when… 阅读更多内容
Strange Days
Has anyone come across a situation where they are chatting to someone, swapping a few pics, then suddenly, for no obvious reason you get blocked? It's happened a couple times on here over the years I've been here ... and I really would love to know why !?!?… 阅读更多内容
Doug's dream
Discalimer: This dream/fantasy was told to me by some guy on here who says he doesn't write so well. I asked if he'd like me to write something based upon it, and he said 'Sure' so here goes. Bad Times Doug and his wife had been arguing. It got bad; real bad. He'd been drinking, they'd argued, he'd almost … but know he didn't want to think about that. He sat on the edge of the motel bed, head in hands, listening to the incessant chatter of the news anchor. He reached for the bottle of Jack; empty. He huffed, grabbed the key and headed out. There was a bar across the street… 阅读更多内容