My Videos/Content
I make the kind of content that I want to make. I don't really take suggestions and I am not really interested in constructive criticism, because I do what makes me happy. If other people like it, then its a bonus. If they don't then that is ok, and they shouldn't click on my videos. Please don't harass me to make porn the way you want me to make it. Its just not going to happen. I don't work for a studio and I don't work for you. I don't have other performers to work with that are getting tested. I don't have a camera person or lighting people. I just record stuff with my iphone. I'm… 阅读更多内容
Transgender Sisters:
I get lots of emails from people asking how i do it, what do i use for my skin, how i stay so skinny, how i did my make-up, what you do too stay in shape or the best one i hear all the time is ""Do you live full time""?? I would say as long as I walk on this world you guys call earth i will live full time I'm pretty sure Look guys i know what your trying too say or ask so i will try to address it as best i can with out being a smart ass!! I would love too help all my people in the L.G.B.T community but the first thing that has too change before you can change into any women clothing i… 阅读更多内容