HELPFUL HINTS For a Mans Multiple Orgasms

Hi To ALL my friends I am passing this along to the men in my world. From what I have heard it should be read by every man. Can't hurt so here it is: This is my good deed for the day! (For the ones who bother to read it) A dozen men made into better lovers, at least a dozen women happier, all at once, lol damn I'm good!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 good4utrouble 10 年 前 4

Men - They Never Learn

On their wedding night, the young bride Approached her new husband and asked For $20.00 for their first lovemaking Encounter. In his highly aroused state, Her husband readily agreed. This scenario was repeated each time they made Love, for more than 40 years, with him thinking that it was a Cute way for her to afford new clothes and other incidentals that She needed. Arriving home around noon one day, she was Surprised to find her husband in a very drunken state. During the next few minutes, he explained that His employer was going through a process of corporate Downsizing, a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 good4utrouble 10 年 前 32

Don't Be That Guy

Here's a friendly tip. If a guy wants to pique a girl's interest on XRMXX, then he needs to come up with a good introductory message. Below are just a few of the introductory messages that I've received from guys that just don't work for me and I simply can't respond to them. So I suggest, don't be That Guy who sends these types of messages. But if you're even reading this blog, then you are probably not That Guy because he rarely reads what's on a page anyway. At least by posting this blog I can ignore That Guy in good conscience because I told him so here. I hope I don't come off as bitch… 阅读更多内容

发表者 my_secret_ 11 年 前 127

Gangbang is the best way to FUCK!

This post was deleted.
发表者 swissmale 11 年 前