So I go to the convenience store the next day to see my new love, Jett. I am nervous and I just want to say something to him to get me noticed. Luckily, today the store is empty. It's just Jett and me, all alone. God my dick is getting hard. I am drawn to his jet black shoulder length hair with blue highlights. I manage to mumble "I love what you have done with your hair." God what a stupid thing to say, I think. His eyes light up and says oh thank you, its just something I thought would be fun. While he says that he cocks his hip to one side with his hand on it. I know he is gay now and kn… 阅读更多内容
Driving home after work I stop in a convenience store to get a Red Bull and lottery ticket. As usual the grumpy Indian guy was behind the counter and the line was long. Then emerging from the back of the store was this fucking hottie. His name tag said Jett. He looked to be around 20. His hair was shoulder length, jet black with blue highlights. I immediately moved to his register to get closer to this beautiful boy. His skin is pale and smooth. His eyes are blue with long lashes. He's hearing a mask over his mouth and nose, but I know he is beautiful. I can't believe how taken I am by Jett.… 阅读更多内容