Naughty bucket list

Things I did +dressing in female clothes +self bondage +playing with my ass (fingers and toys) +masturbating while fantasizing about being with a man +getting makeup +getting a wig +going out for a walk as a girl +kissing with a man and having my body fondled and kissed while moaning from pleasure ;) +spending a night with a man and having sex multiple times (as a bottom) +blowjob and swallowing cum +electric stimulation +creating a fucking machine +getting fucked by the fucking machine +creating a bondage stand that holds me, teases me with electricity and a vibrator, mak… 阅读更多内容

发表者 kosmitka 7 年 前 3

My Fantasy

For the longest time I have always wanted to try a few things: One, I would love to do a gangbang, I honestly can't think of a much hotter day that being used by a group of men. I would be totally submitted to them and allow them to fuck my holes and fill me with as much cum as they can give. Two, I have been fascinated by gloryholes for sometime. I would to try one again. I did one a few years ago and had a decent turnout but want to see how many studs I can satisfy. Finally, be transformed by someone. We have all seen the videos but I would want some sexy guy or girl to dress… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Aprileight 8 年 前 19

Trans Problems

I've experimented with hormones off and on now for a while and I know that I'm transgender. The hardest thing in the world is accepting that no matter what I can't have 100% certainty that this is what I want to do in life because nothing we do is that certain. I can't figure out what is worse, living your whole life not being who you are, or accepting that this is what you are and face the road ahead. Both are hard, living a lie for someone else is torture and being your true self can cost you everything. :[… 阅读更多内容

发表者 xEmily09x 8 年 前 52

A guide to deep fisting

This is a guide to deep fisting only. If you can't fit a fist or two in your ass with ease then don't bother reading this. Get your toys out and go start stretching. However if you feel comfortable being fist fucked in the ass and looking to go deeper then read on. Before I get started with the technicalities I have identified four key aspects to deep fisting. Patience, communication, cleanliness and lubrication. I think they are all self explanatory but will explain in a little more detail. Patience, probably the most important aspect. Don't expect to be elbow deep in you… 阅读更多内容

发表者 i_like_fist 10 年 前 172

Training love muscles, sth everyone should know basically its a two part set of training the muscles you hold your bladder and stop your urinal stream. 1st set is short contractions of 1sec hold, 1sex release 2nd set is longer holds (5-10sec) and longer releases of same lengh. always train this with empty bladder and when relaxed. do it once a day, before going to bed or after waking up. it will raise the strengh of contractions, and make your orgasms stronger, your cum-contractions harder and yeah ... more fun you know. enjoy.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 angelofdespair 10 年 前 1


Quick question. Have you even had your dick slapped or your pussy? I have and it hurt :( anyway, have a nice day :)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Cait 11 年 前 22


Opinions. Everybody has one. Freedom. Everybody SHOULD have it. The rules of sexuality are simple. 1. Stay away from the k**s. 2. Everyone in the room says "yes". Thats it. If something is unattractive to you, dont watch it. If its, i dont know, a recommended video, rate it low and leave a non judgemental comment about it. Maybe stuff like that will not be recommended any more. But, no matter what, dont dare speak out because we are all so fragile that the slightest bit of criticism will fracture our egos. I didnt know pornographers had such delicate sensibilities.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Marissa1 12 年 前 5

Kathoey: The World of Thai Transgender.

The term “kathoey” refers in general to the transgender community, particularly male to female, of Thailand. It is a difficult word for it can be used as a pejorative term approximately equivalent to “queer” or “queen” in as derogatory terms for gays in western culture. It does however have some ancestry having probably been used in medieval Thailand to refer to intersex individuals and later adapted to cover the whole spectrum of male to female transgenderism in modern Thailand. In no way is my use of the word here intended in any negative sense and I am aware that some Thai transgender lad… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Mikebasil 12 年 前 6

Worst Messages

I'm going to keep a running blog of the worst messages I get from other users. These are not the ways to get my attention.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 GOTHIKANGEL 12 年 前 16

Ass Ripping Thursdays! ( A.R.T)

I love my ART! This week will start with a of 2L bottle, followed by a huge strap-on and will end with my favorite: the double fist that my bitch loves so much. He just keeps asking for more. Sometimes I get so hot and don't wait for ART, and I will wake up in the middle of the night and insert my fist in his ass as he sleeps. ( I love tearing my bitch's ass this way)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lady-fun 12 年 前 8

Ass Training day #4

This post was deleted.
发表者 sacgman 13 年 前

WHY I LIKE WOMEN..!!!! visual


发表者 teg 14 年 前 559

What Does Semen Taste Like?

A rather quirk question to be answered, and yet I’m curious of what might semen taste like. Perhaps it’s sweet? Or salty? According to some experienced oral-sex user, it depends on what the man eats and the outcome is subject to change if the diet apply. If the woman A wanted a ambrosial yet luscious taste of semen from the man B then he should have deliberately cogitate his diet of choice. Lets assume that Man B is a fruitarian and he eats fruit-based food and drinks a lot of water abstemiously on a daily basis, hence, his semen is most likely to sweet instead of sour-like taste.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 imcumslut 14 年 前 10