Uputstvo za muškarce :)

Ovaj post je u potpunosti dobro namjeran, a mozda vam i pomogne da povalite nesto. Napisala sam ga kada sam vidjela na d**gom profilu dosta jednako razmišljamo i mislim da i ja to trebam Vama napisati :) Buduci da imam 3940 prijatelja, preko 200 tipova sa kojima sam pricala i bar 20 poruka dnevno, a samo sam nekoliko tipova dala guzu, mislim da znam o cemu pisem i kako mozda da vam/nam svima pomognem. 1. Hoces da ti pusim kurac a nisi mi ni pokazao kako izgleda, gluposti. Imajte bar sliku ili opis i godiste. Kurac i slika tijela je minimum. Bar vas 50 me kontaktiralo bez ikakve slike i opisa… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Dona_sissy 5 年 前 18

Shopping Mall

I want to tell you the story that happened to me last week. A sunny day ending with adrenaline to the ceiling. We agreed earlier days that we will find and go to a shopping mall to buy a couple of things. Somehow we were able to get rid of the road and settle down. It was Wednesday in the week so it was not a big buzz. I will try to describe everything in detail because I'm still under the impression :) I do not have pictures or video that day, but I'm going to try it wi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Dona_sissy 5 年 前

Sometimes a princess, now a slut

To begin with, let me tell you something about myself briefly. I am younger and I have 26 years of experience and I have experience for the first time in contact with a man from 15 to 16 years old. That moment of nervousness, tension, innocence, all the restlessness fulfilled all my expectations. I tried the man and what was the best of all I was an active boyfriend. I enjoyed it was great for me. For years, until I felt the need for me to try to take that piece of meat inside me, I felt every millimeter. [image class="align-center size-large"]https://thumb-p0.xhcdn.com/a/uiKBG4N5P68xhg9S3JlU阅读更多内容

发表者 Dona_sissy 5 年 前

Trgovački centar

Želim vam ispričati priču koja mi se dogodila prošli tjedan. Sunčan dan koji je završio sa adrenalinom do plafona. Dogovorili smo se danima ranije da ćemo se naći i otić u trgovački centar u shopping da si kupim par stvari. Nekako smo obaveze uspjeli smaknuti sa puta i nasli se. Bila je srijeda u po tjedna tako da nije ni velika guzva bila. Pokušat ću u detalje sve opisati jer sam još pod dojmom :) nazalost nemam slike niti video tog dana, ali pokusat cu docarat rijecima i slikama sa neta. Dakle k… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Dona_sissy 6 年 前 1