Melissa and the Chastity Belt - part 2

Melissa flinches as the back of a cold hand gently stokes her belly and down to the belt around her waist. She feels a tapping on the metal covering her groin and tries to pull away. She hears the click of a padlock opening and suddenly her breasts are exposed to the cold air of the shop. A pair of hands grab her breasts and fondle for all their worth. “My god” Melissa mutters to herself this guy is desperate for a woman. The hands continue to fondle and she then feels lips sucking her nipples and imagines this guy, some dirty… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 8 年 前 1

Melissa and the Chastity Belt - show

Breakfast over I climb the stairs to Melissa’s room and slowly open the door, not knowing what I am going to find. The curtains are still closed and both girls are asleep. I guess it had been a long night. After we had arrived home from the beach yesterday Melissa had pleasured me with her mouth before being lead upstairs for an evening of fun with my assistant Lucy. Lucy is becoming quite ingenious recently in entertaining my bi slaves and will no doubt have taught Melissa a few new tricks. I draw back the curtains and… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 9 年 前 2

Brainwashed and turned into nympho bimbo slut!

Amazing video! I took some adderall/amph, just to get in the right mood, i was dressed of course too. This vid made me a bimbo! i've never been so horny in my life so far!!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 amateurcd90 10 年 前 17

Life as a pig under Mistress, branded

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发表者 chastecuck 9 年 前

12 December Part 2 - actual

On the outside my tall statuesque 37 year old bride, mother of two, ex gym teacher, churchgoer, pillar of the local community and PTA, looked radiant. Made up, her hair immaculate, eyebrows and pussy trimmed, a light glow of blusher, some lipstick, she looked ready to rock. On top she wore a blue short-sleeved V backed tank top, with a short flared little black strippy club dress. Topped off with a yellow gold bracelet on her left wrist, her wedding and engagement rings on her fingers, natural sheer stockings and tidy mid heeled numbers with ankle straps on her feet, she looked totally hot. Al… 阅读更多内容

发表者 urbanfox21 9 年 前 9

12 December Part 1 - actual

Things had not gone that well that saturday morning. First the agency had rung at about 11.30 to say that the guy we had selected for Rachel’s initiation into black sexing at 4-6pm that afternoon, James, a handsome friendly and totally buff west indian guy with whom we had exchanged emails and a bit of banter the week before, was now not able to come as he was unwell. They were proposing a man called Daniel, 29, sportsman, very fit we were told and the guy on the phone coyly said that Rach would not be disappointed in any way. He knew it has her first time and was keen to please. ‘He’s impress… 阅读更多内容

发表者 urbanfox21 9 年 前 10

Slave N tests out a butt-plug

The second day of Slave N’s visit arrives and I awake her early as we have a lot to cram into our short time together, this being her first visit to me and only the start of her training. Slave N is not a novice slave, she has had previous Master’s and Mistresses, however she has to be trained in my methods before she returns home to Germany and I continue to process on line. “Morning Slave N”. “Morning Master T”, as she rubs the sleep from her eyes and adjusts to the strong sunlight shinning through the window. She sits… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 9 年 前 2

nadia's Ill Advised Street Walk, Parts 1 - 3

nadia's Ill Advised Street Walk Part 1: *** This story is a work of fantasy fiction told within the confines of current events, written by nadia877 at the instruction of Maximos9 for His blog. It is NOT meant to be interpreted as true, or as something that should ever occur in reality, but in one’s mind, it can exist quite beautifully. *** In retrospect, i don't know what i was thinking, walking the streets of Ferguson Missouri that Monday night just hours after the grand jury had ruled that it would not indict the white police officer who had shot and killed the young black man.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 nadia877 10 年 前 61

Melissa and the fucking machine

Some 55 minutes later the car pulls onto a gravel driveway and come to a halt. Lucy is quickly out of the passenger seat and helping the handcuffed Melissa out of the car and towards what looks like an old barn. I thank our driver and tell him we should be ready to be picked up in around two hours, before following the two girls inside. Melissa cannot see this, but inside the building are a mass of unusual machines of all kinds, most of which are designed to inflict torture and pain on willing victims. Initially, Melissa is… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 9 年 前 2

New trainee slave, Melissa

“Ok Melissa upstairs and get a shower, Lucy and I will be up soon to get you ready for a little trip we have planned to go to town for the evening”. “Yes Master, Mistress” comes the reply, Melissa is now confused who is actually in charge now. “Believe me Melissa I am in charge”, I confirm. She smiles as she closes the door and runs upstairs. Lucy and I follow shortly afterwards and I order Lucy to go into her bedroom and get ready. “I have laid out your clothes on the bed”. I enter the other bedroom just as Melissa is coming out of the bathroom, still toweling down her glowing body. “Now m… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 9 年 前 5

My new Slave, Slave N

Today is a very exciting time for me, it is the day I meet my new number 1 slave, Slave N, who replaces Helen my former slave. Slave N is from Germany and we have been corresponding for some time via the internet. Her main interest is foot torture however I have told her that if she is to fulfill her role as my new number 1 we are going to have to expand her horizons a little. She has agreed and so here we are, me awaiting her arrival at the local airport. I have no problem recognizing her, she is a slim young woman lo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 9 年 前 3

Slave Helen goes horse riding.

It’s a beautiful summer’s morning, I am driving north into the Yorkshire Dales and on a day like today there is no better place to be with all the breathtaking scenery. Sat beside me is Helen not quite sure where we are going or what is going to happen. All she does know is that she received a message from me last weekend to keep this weekend free because we would be embarking on our latest adventure. I have had to borrow a friend’s estate car to carry all the equipment we are going to need and the boxes in the back keep attracting my Slave’s attention but she dare not ask what is inside them.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 9 年 前 3

A day on the farm with my Slave, Helen. Part 2

It has been over an hour now since Helen was hooked up to milking machine, meanwhile Jane and I have been relaxing and enjoying a nice cup of Yorkshire Tea. Jane has been telling me about her latent lesbian tendencies and really thanking me for allowing her to have a play with my slave. It is not the first time she has enjoyed the love of a women, although the last and only other time had been many years ago. While Jane goes out to the milking stalls just to check how Helen is doing I hatch a plan to extend our visit and allow Jane and Helen to get acquainted eve… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 9 年 前 4

A day on the farm with my Slave, Helen. Part 1

So, it has been nearly four weeks now since I sent Helen away with her packet of tablets. I have been away on business but received a text from her a couple of weeks ago seemingly a little disturbed by the fact that her breasts were feeling very tight and seemed to be growing. She was told not to worry, that was one of the side effects and everything was going to be fine. The tablets were in fact a cocktail of two d**gs, one given to women to increase lactation and the other given to cattle to increase milk yield. I had in fact consulted my vet “friend” who had chipped Helen plus another… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 9 年 前 4

Helen's punishment.....

I have finally arrived home with my newly chipped Slave Helen, she has been quite a disobedient bitch this morning so some punishment is in order. First I remove the gag and muzzle but leave her in her handcuffs, before undoing the zip all the way down to the crotch of her catsuit. I peel back the black latex to reveal Helen’s well-toned body before examining the vet’s handiwork. You would never know that there was a chip inserted in the middle of Helens nipple unless you actually rubbed it between thumb and finger, then you would discover something that feels like a large grain of rice. Helen… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 9 年 前 2

She's back..........

I hear a knock at the door, who could it be at this time of night? I open it slightly wary of who might be outside. OMG its you Helen, I thought I had lost you out of my life for ever. I throw my arms around her and hug and kiss her. "Where have you been, what happened, why did you disappear?". Oh never mind come over here let me look at you. With that she removes her coat to reveal her gorgeous body dressed in a magnificent mauve basque with matching panties and garter belt holding up fishnet stockings. A picture of superb… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 10 年 前 1

Helen's Gift

This week Helen received a welcome home present from me and today it is time for me to see her in all her beauty modeling it for me. Right on time she knocks on my door, she is always very punctual. We exchange kisses on the doorstep, she enters and takes a sip of her favourite wine which I already have poured for her. I stand behind her and put my arms around her gently brushing the tops of her breasts as I do so, before beginning to unbutton her coat. My fingers are trembling because I know what amazing sight I am abou… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 10 年 前 5

Helen commits herself to be my Slave

It is now almost two weeks since Helen returned to my life and today is the day I need her to commit totally to being my submissive slave. I phoned her last night and arranged to meet her in the local public house. I have told her to wear her white satin bra/thong set and matching garter belt, white silk stockings and white stiletto shoes, the combination she was wearing on our very first meeting all those many months ago. Over these she has been told to wear a short leather skirt and a white silk blouse with the top buttons open, so her beautiful cleavage is in full view. As ever, bang… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 10 年 前 2

A trip to the vet for my "pet" Helen

It is a fine sunny morning as I drive away from home and today is even more special as beside me in the passenger seat is Helen, although this morning I have detected the first signs of some descent in her. She is unhappy because I rang her fairly late last night and ordered her to be at my place by 10.00am today. This meant she had to ring in sick at work and Helen, being the conscientious woman that she is, hates to be deceitful. She had arrived prompt at 10.00 but I could tell by her face this was not going to be an easy day for either of us. She didn’t say a word just took off her coat… 阅读更多内容

发表者 twevsmiff 9 年 前 6

3 years later

Chapter One The last flush of the toilet signaled to Barbara--my de facto mommy, that I was finished in the bathroom, having finally spent the warm, soapy enema she'd administered twenty minutes earlier. This was all the more obvious, since the door was wide open as it was required to be on those rare occasions when I was allowed into the bathroom. Stepping out sheepishly, I looked up into the lovely blue eyes of Barbara. "All done, Sweety?" she asked pleasantly. "Yes Mommy," I replied. Daily enemas were Barbara's way of avoiding messy diapers with me and the truth was,… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Bambinodl 9 年 前