does this make me a bad mother

just a quick post nothing too long lol. my eldest son has just gone on his first lads holiday and im so jealous so does it make me a bad mother to wish to be 30 years younger and want to go in his place with his friends ? i know that as soon as we landed at the hotel it would be bar and pool ;) and then i would end up blind drunk and passed out in the room which would then give them all a chance to use me over and over x it wold give a different meaning to me saying im off to eat 5 guys tonight lol… 阅读更多内容

发表者 drunkmilf 2 年 前 18

computer era

when people starting having computers my hubby was one of the first to have them. i didnt know that much about them and still dont lol . anyway after a few years he was in groups and had a messenger program to chat and video chat with other people he got to know on the internet. After a while he was buying and selling music films games clothing lol anything. ost times while he was on the computer doing his little deals i was around in the background and popped my head in now and then to say hi and wave at them. i got to ask for a few things like a new album that was coming out or a mario game… 阅读更多内容

发表者 drunkmilf 2 年 前 5

secret shhhh

never told anybody ssshhhh lol as a family for a bank holiday we all once went to a local pub that had things for the k**s, a band , and food. it was a lovely sunny day and I'm not really one to drink larger ( ill drink most things lol ) and after a few drinks and with the sun i was starting to feel a bit worse for wear and as it came to early evening i turned into the drunk milf lol i was getting louder and spilling drinks and just piddled lol. so hubby got a friend to take me home and for him to come back to the fun day. living quite near we walked home with him holding me up and every now a… 阅读更多内容

发表者 drunkmilf 3 年 前 20