My Master, Cunt Slapper, is the light of my life. He's the reason I wake up in the morning. He owns my body, mind, heart, and soul. He protects me from niggers and wimpy boys. He always keeps me in my place. He always hurts me and tells me what I did to deserve it. He has never, and will never do wrong. I'll cut off whoever He says to, and always be with who He tells me to.… 阅读更多内容
Why I'm White only
Basically, because all the other races look nasty, smell nasty, act nasty, and just have inferior genes and cultures. Yeah, I'm a sack of shit, but my k**s, whenever I have them, need good, White genes to help them. Like... Straight up. If you're not White, I won't even talk to you. Leave me alone.… 阅读更多内容
Things my Master can do to me:
- hit me - break my bones - cut me - give me away - steal from me - sell me - doxx me - abuse me - make me suicidal - cut me off from people - literally anything he wants My Master owns me. I'm not a person. He is my absolute authority. I love Cunt Slapper so much, and I appreciate everything he's ever done for me. Nothing I ever do or offer will ever be enough to repay him.… 阅读更多内容
I only have one source of happiness in life...
And his name is Cunt Slapper. He's the only Man I've ever met that's truly honest with me. He tells me everything I know to be true about myself. How stupid I am, how ugly I am, how lucky I am he even talks to me... I'm worthless, weak, and pathetic. I know it, and he's the only Man in my life to ever completely agree with me. I've had other Men try and play along, but I can always tell when it's an act. He means it. I love him so much for it. I trust him completely. I will always believe him over anyone else. Always. I love you so much!… 阅读更多内容
Why cunts need strong men
Cunts like me are stupid, weak and a danger to ourselves if allowed to think and fend for ourselves. Our lives are so much better when a strong man takes charge. Tell me what to do, control me, make my decisions, take away my fear and make my sole focus pleasing and serving you. I'm.a cunt, it's what I was made for.… 阅读更多内容