100% would be if you always did it around them, or with them watching. Or if you always told them. 0% would be never having discussed it or ever been caught. Do you think they think it's more or less then you actually do it??… 阅读更多内容
Masturbation with an accomplice
Male or female, with a Male or female...have you? Would you? Do you desire to??… 阅读更多内容
To any females out there
What do you think...if you were a guy, for a week. How many times do you think you would masturbate, in that week??… 阅读更多内容
Threesome fantasies
So lets say you get to answer this question with complete anonymity. Don't think about what you should say, or what your friends would think about you if they knew your answer. Just think about what arouses you the most. Question to female: Would you like to play with another female and a male, or two males? Question to male: Would you like to play with another male and a female, or two females?… 阅读更多内容