My Side of this incredible Jouney

My side of this incredible Journey…… November 2013, I decided I needed to post a profile on a website for married people looking for extra marital affairs, not necessary to get into the why’s of that. My profile consisted of certain personal policies that I didn’t want to cross, one being age. I’m 48 and one of my biggest policies for me was that I was not going to be with anyone younger than 40. Just too much of an age difference, so the 22 year olds were out! Lol. So not wanting to cross that age line, I didn’t give anyone a second look that was below my age bracket that initiated con… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fourdagriz 10 年 前 3

How this crazy journey began

So about 10 months ago I created a profile on a website for individuals looking for an extra marital affair. I had a few conversations online and met with maybe 3 people total. One day I found the profile for a woman who is 10 years my older. I don't know specifically what made me contact her but I did. As I've gotten older I've realized that beauty is more than skin deep. I'm not saying this because she was unattractive, on the contrary. I say it because I think I've just simply learned to look past the visual and also look for the mental connection between us. I'll refer to her as Peyton ju… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fourdagriz 10 年 前 1