college/ career/ cosplay/ contracts/ cunt

Holy shit guys I actually got into college. HAHA my high school english "teacher" was full of shit. If you're reading this Ms.Wilson. you can suck my fat hairy greasy dick because my intern pay is going to shit all over your salary. ew i really hope Ms. Wilson doesn't have a porn account. ANYWAYS! I haven't posted a blog in a while. i'm basically the same as last time just more of an asshole. but an enlightened asshole. 2017 is going to be a fucking insane year for me. I have no earthly idea how i'm going to make it out alive but i'm going to have fun trying and dying. Sooooo on our 2017 r… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 8 年 前 18

hot sweaty pervert summer fun

So anybody who's spoken to me knows that I. am. always. bored. I didn't know that as an adult out of school shit gets really boring! Outside of my job there isn't much to do. This summer i want to actually get out there and do some dope shit! Anything to get my gorgeous ass off the couch and into spandex tights and a tank top haha ew. I'm looking for female or male gym/yoga/drinking/whatever buddies because pole dancing class by yourself probably isn't super fun I just found out that when you play sports and you aren't in school or famous it's called a house league. I thought that j… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 8 年 前 6

wanted: smart and semi attractive tax guy for bitc

It's that time of year again guys.....ick. I've been filing my taxes for three years and i'm not ashamed to admit I don't do my own taxes noooooooope nuh uh... I only like math when i'm adding to my wallet or my plate. that being said, i'm trying to keep from being torn in half by corporate cogs and so far it's working, but i'm having alot of difficulty because my life is all cash. I haven't been given a work cheque in almost a year and a off the fat of questionable craigslist ads, and temp jobs that are like...stupid easy. I want to become self employed so i can wa… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 9 年 前 5

happy new year whores

so 2015 sucked huge donkey cock and i'm glad it's over. on another level i'm not super excited for this year either but since I can't opt out of it without a warm bath and a bottle of ambien, I'm going to try and make the best of it! i don't have resolutions just little goals. maybe it's semantics but i feel they're different. just ten things im tryna do before 2017 1) i'm going to be more of an assertive asshole and do more shit i want to do 2) fuck losing weight i'm just going to eat what the fuck i want, lift weights and get lots of sexercise (buff personal trainers holla) 3) I'm go… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 9 年 前 17

whats up? oh yeah, fucking nothing.

so I'm finished school and I have no job (unless you count answering random craigslist ads and getting weird money) what? I want to go on a world tour....except the only discernible talent i have cannot be done on stage at madison square garden....legally anyways. maybe I should take up a hobby or write an erotic novel. 50 sharts of brown? iunno. I like it though. I get to sleep in all the time. I go out to eat, get drunk with strange men, making money off of odd jobs. i could combine that with travelling the world and be the laziest/ drunkest nomad in the world. I just need to figure o… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 9 年 前 6

OkStupid and why I'm finally finished intera

I tried to make a booty call on OkCupid. He literally just left. So cute. So promising... and I almost maced him for being so incompetent. I didn't cum. I didn't fuck. He got all upset because he lost his wood while putting a condom on...and while I was waiting for him he's like "err derp you should just play with yourself for a minute". To which I responded "why would I call you here to jerk off. I could do that on my own"... Totally... Straight faced.... Umm.. Logic? Do men invite women over just to fucking beat off? No. Fuck no. I think I'm deactivating that was the pretty fucking bad .… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 9 年 前 17

i have questions for you guys (and random thoughts

why is plastic surgery so expensive? all you're doing is lobbing my tits off and slapping them back on why did our alpha decide to watch tv while she/he was making me and not give me perkier breasts and more self respect? also what the fuck is a line of credit? i need better boobs.... Tbh i don't know where this self hatred is coming from because i'm usually a pretty cocky bitch. is there a doctor in the house? i've watched too many episodes of 1000 ways to die to try giving myself surgery but its awfully tempting. I want to be so many things (basically every occu… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 9 年 前 13

new rules effective immediately (no exceptions)

so the past year...and most of this year to.... iv'e had the most nauseating, repulsive, unsatisfying, time wasting, painful, sc****y, slobbery, fingernails too long sex. I'm tired of guys hyping their game only to find out he's a stupid fucking incompetent filthy goober with a cock more useless than a fucking veggie burger. Do you have any idea how hard it is to trigger my gag reflex? about three guys just this year (from xham) did it by just using their sad attempts at foreplay. so from now on, unless i've fucked you already and you did not make me want to puke there will be a new arrangemen… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 23

future college girl

I really hope it's how it seems on BMS and a****l house!! :o i've been so bored recently it's nice to be excited about something again! and my campus has a gym, big ass library, and a pub! what more could a girl want :D so what i want to know is what the hell is "the college experience" and can the freshman 15 also mean a harem of 15 men or does it just mean you get fat?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 3

so new yorkians

Are there any bars that don't card? Food places I need to try? Shit I gotta see? Also need a good links for weed and blow in NY...maybe jib but that's for the birthday girl So far I'm only going to meet one person from new York off this website. I want more american friends. We can have a picnic or an orgy or something!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 5

my fuck off and go away party

The coming monday (12th) i'm having a going away party at my place because i'm going to new york for 3 entire days and i need a queen's sendoff. i know who parties on a monday right? c'mon be cool guys it starts at 9 just come after work no big deal it's the only free time and free house i will have for a very long time. admission is 10 bucks because if you retards break something i'm not cancelling my trip to pay for it. ladies free before 12 as per (no sausage fest plz) of course and i'll try to get some drinks for you guys. if you're a picky drinker i suggest byob because all i can be… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 3

more porn?

Accepting all ideas and submissions. Still making custom videos..... and I need one dude of every race. And an asian girl...that last one is a stretch but its worth a shot P.S. You guys have been really awesome with my cosplay fundraiser. As soon as the costume is done ill be uploading a cosplay gallery. Wig, makeup, weapons, and full frontal nudity.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 3

how to get my porn password

As you may have realized tokens are fucking annoying. So i habe revised this new method to save myself time And to save you money Step one: PayPal Step two: give me five dollars Step three: watch both vids because the password is the same Step four: ???? Step five: profit… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 4

slutty cosplay time/ calling on my personal army o

alright guys. its 6 months to anime north so you know what that means. cosplay prep time!!!! this year I will be cosplaying an original character; me! in anime form. My character's name is *drumroll* Midorii Takumura! She's a samurai stoner of west indian decent born in Japan with nymphomaniac tendancies. she travels from Shibuya to Okinawa fighting and fucking her way through her enemies leaving trails of blood and sperm wherever she goes. stats name: Midorii age: 20 lives in: Shibuya, Tokyo height: 5'3" cup size: 38DDD weight: n/a (our last interviewer that asked met an untim… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 1

i'm taking a poll

life of crime or prostitution? i like the idea of both… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 14

so i'm 20...and it's fucking lame

i'm 20 and fucking bored. this is the same shit as last year except now in another year i'll be able to drink everywhere...or sponsor a 3rd world c***d. or a mail order bride... i think i'll purchase a mail order bride for myself... I just want someone to play video games and do d**gs with really...and hate fuck when i have a shitty day. my mother would warm up to her eventually. I wonder if my Asian bride will dig my manga collection...or my skin collection... she'll probably giggle when I tell her i'm going to the grocery to a***** people for soup bones or when i tell her i'll fuck her face… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 6

my first time...

This is very hard for me to explain to you guys considering my reputation. you guys probably think my first time was ages ago but i've been lying all this time. Today at 3 o'clock.....I actually had my first time...I finally went to red lobster.Twenty years and i'm just figuring out about this place now holy shit It was so fucking amazing. i'm going to have to work the streets to support this new habit. giving filthy back alley blow jobs for more complimentary biscuits. I'll do unspeakable things for more crab legs....I had to tip my waitress extra because she almost lost her fingers bringing… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 2

20 years of mediocrity party!!!

At first I wanted to get blasted at chuck-e-cheese but then I thought "think bigger" as you guys probably know I fell in love with a stripper last week but she went back to Atlanta so now i'm in love with taco bell again. anyways my birthday is on November 7th on a Friday (fuck yes) this year and i want to meet you guys (even the ugly ones) ^_^ you guys have contributed to my growth as a woman, a nympho, and a skank bitch and can think of no better way to thank you than gracing you with my presence. lol but seriously you guys are so fucked up I couldn't think of better party guests and poss… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 2

wanted: carpenters/craftsmen/hot guys with power t

I'm in the process of drawing up plans for something I could possibly build myself but would likely turn into a deathtrap...very quickly. Why don't I just hire somebody normally you ask? Because what I want is very specific....and very shameful. Any carpenters, builders, or craftsmen who want to make money inbox me. I live for the barter system...and I "pay" well.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 7

hey nerds, pervs, whoever

okay so the piece of shit i'm using is so outdated i can't play league, it randomly dies,, it's so old chrome won't even update it anymore...and just to top it all's a mac....from 2007. how did i get this awful contraption? unsavory matters led to me kissing my gorgeous toshiba A500 and it's enchanted graphics card bye bye. seriously...i don't want to talk about it. i got this craptop for 150 bucks and it's damn well better than nothing. but it's time for an upgrade. if i was a pretty woman like i wanted to be i'd suck my 80 year old boyfriend's cock for alienware but no such luck.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 fr33kyg33k 10 年 前 7