The Male G-Spot Is Not In The Prostrate

The Androgynous Adam pt2 or The Male G-Spot Is There To Be Found But It's Not In The Prostrate -- How Men Can Retract Their Genitalia, Be Vaginally Penetrated And Experience Female Orgasms. Nowadays of course, with the benefit of modern medical technology, we can see that all hu"MAN" life starts in the womb as female. The fetus we now know, evolves as, and remains, an XX chromosome female for at least the first ``XXX weeks of development and it is not until this point in a pregnancy, with the fetus having already developed a vagina, womb, uterus, breasts etc... that a sudden massive flow… 阅读更多内容

发表者 frontbumboy 11 年 前 2

The Term "MAN" should be MANESS

The Androgynous Adam pt1-- How The Term "MAN" Was Deliberately Misappropriated By The Male Of The Species To Promulgate The Myth That Patriarchal Hierarchies Were Ordained By God, And To Use This Myth To Subjugate The Female In Virtually All Societies On Earth. It's not that I necessarily believe everything I read in The Bible, I know that symbolism played a huge part in it's writing and that this has lead to a lot of conjecture throughout the centuries if not outright war, especially between those who claim to be true believers. I'm somewhat confused though, that when I do read it, it see… 阅读更多内容

发表者 frontbumboy 11 年 前