I miss him

I fall all most in love on this web site one time but i had to start taking care of my mother And after she passed i was so depressed for a long time until i had a long talk with my son and now i am going to start living life all the way!!!!! So i have decided to have a fun sex week end any time i feel like having one and for all you men and young men who would like to have one with me just start sending special gifts to my email and when i pick you for a funsex week end i will let you pick the time and place!!!.....God I Love Sex !!!......Margret...p.s......email [email protected] and i do lo… 阅读更多内容

发表者 funwanda 7 年 前 7

Personal Fan club!!

So i am getting so much mail i think i will start a bigger fan club for the men and women that send e-gift cards to me! love to hear from my fans!!!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 funwanda 9 年 前 5

find me fuck me!!

i was at work friday and this young man walked up to me and said i have been jacking off to your pic's and video's on xhamster !! so i said would you like to fuck me and he did!!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 funwanda 9 年 前 27


I have been invited to come to Canada to have a big gangbang love to see what everybody thinks?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 funwanda 11 年 前 30