It’s no secret that the majority of female members on this site are either bisexual men or gay men pretending to be girls. Like it or not, porn sites like this are a mainly male domain, infested by men of different sexual persuasions. Men, myself included are controlled by our dicks and will believe anything in order to get ourselves off. There are some genuine woman on the site, however I reckon a good number of them will be either cam performers looking for tips, or bisexual/lesbian woman looking for like minded females. I would like to think that some of my own ‘female’ XRMXX friends… 阅读更多内容
Sex, Lies and Hand Relief - A true story
Several years ago I decided to go to the cinema on a rare afternoon off work. It was the first showing of the day and the cinema was very quiet. It was already dark when I took my seat, despite this I could see there were two other people in the cinema. One was an elderly gentleman who was sitting about three rows in front of me, the other was a girl in her late teens/early 20s who was sitting about eight seats to my left. As the adverts and trailers began the girl briefly left the cinema, when she returned she sat in the seat next to me. Pleased, although slightly confused by what she had don… 阅读更多内容