I'm going to keep a running blog of the worst messages I get from other users. These are not the ways to get my attention.… 阅读更多内容
What I'd Like Today
I'd like to be held not just an arm d****d over me but a firm grasp being help tightly against perfumed skin. To be pressed deeply into that warmth. To hear your heartbeat. To feel your breath rolling over me. We don't need to move I just need your comfort. To know that you are there for me is enough. I feel like I am floating losing my way I need that connection. I am flailing in space and without you I may soon slip away. Who will let me know that this will pass and that I have some safe harbor to rest my worries and to maybe fill my desires? With Wet Wishes, Becca http://1.bp.bl… 阅读更多内容
In Dreams
In dreams I am perfect, my flaws wash away, my body is fresh and new, my life is amazing, my heart has never been broken, my pain is erased, my flesh is wrapped in your arms.… 阅读更多内容
Let's See Who To Keep
I am going to trim my friends down to only those who are actually interested and those who plan on communicating with me. If you are on my friend list and do not comment within a week on this post I will delete you. I'm not collecting friends who have no interest in contact. With Wet Wishes Becca… 阅读更多内容
Laying Here
My fingers trace the outline of my breasts along my green bra. They slide down along my stomach where I circle around teasing myself a little. Then they squeeze my thighs and trace along the band of my panties. I start by gently rubbing over the fabric. I can feel the outline of my lips, feel the moisture starting to form. I push them around a little every once and a while letting a finger brush quickly across my clit. I push the fabric to the side and gently let just the tip of my finger slide up and down collecting the moisture as I work it quickly up and down over my hard clit. I squeeze my… 阅读更多内容
If you would like you can ask me any five questions and I will answer them honestly. You can ask anything you want. You don't have to be my friend to respond it is just me seeing who is reading my blog.… 阅读更多内容
A Little Hidden Message
Your words made me melt. I just wanted to be teased to be tied. I wanted to lick to bite. To explore the skin the heat of your body. I wanted to taste your scent to delve into your wetness. No sheets just flesh pressed and scratched kissed and spanked. Fire and ice. Everything I wanted to share with you. You were on my mind last night as I released and you will be on my mind today. I do hope we can connect soon I know it would be fun :) With Wet Wishes Becca Hope the picture lets the person know who I am talking to. http://i.newsrt.co.uk/upload/news/large/11/09/Article_12986400375… 阅读更多内容
What I Want Today
Today I just want to be connected to someone. I want to be wrapped in someones arms smothered in their touch. I want to be penetrated by them made to feel full. I want to have them take me to another place and lose track of reality. I want fingers, tongues, any wet openings. I want the smell, the feel, the air of excitement. I want to be weak, to let go, to give in, and most bluntly to cum hard. Any takers :) :):) With Wet Wishes Becca… 阅读更多内容
Her Hands
Her hands felt like silk as they traced their way across my skin. Her hands were tender but firm as she held me and teased me. Her hands caressed and held me down as a writhed beneath her. Her hands showed experience and knowledge as she found what I needed so easily. Her hands pressed inside and burned a way to my soul. Her hands will forever hold me because I can feel them every time I close my eyes. Her hands will always own me because I will always beg for that touch. For Jess, I have been thinking about you all night :) With Wet Wishes, Becca http://2.bp.blogspot.com/… 阅读更多内容
What Is It About Stockings?
I was sitting at a local restaurant when a girl I don't know and never will sat down at a table several away from me. She would have never caught my attention except I could see below her dress the legs of her stockings sticking out. Something about the sight of stockings makes me think about just biting along the inside of a girls thighs letting my fingers trace along the edges where they meet the skin and having them rubbing up and down my back as I slowly press my lips against her soft openings. It took me about two minutes, although it felt like hours, to regain my senses, but I was just w… 阅读更多内容