Rules and Guides for Sissy Life
Rules and Guides for Sissy Life 1. A sissy is a different term than both crossdresser and transsexual. A sissy is one type of CD but not the only type (some Men crossdress for other private & heterosexual reasons). Some TSs can exhibit sissy-like behaviours, but TS is in a class of its own. Normal CDs and TSs should be respected, sissies should not (see below). 2. A sissy is a man who adopts not just a 'female' appearance and sex role but a VERY passively-sexualised and sexually-submissive version of it (ranging from wanting to be a femme sex-object for other Men's visual pleasure, to fu… 阅读更多内容
S.A.G.E. Test Results
Your Raw Score is: 755, which indicates that overall you are Feminine Your brain processes are mostly that of a Female person. You appear to socialize in a very feminine manner. You believe you have conflicts about your gender identity. ANALYSIS: Male to Female Transsexual, who is a serious candidate for Gender Reassignment Surgery NOTES:… 阅读更多内容
Crossdressing Quiz
Please answer my crossdressing quiz questions and message me the answers! Thank you! (1) What is your favorite item of women's clothing (panties, bra etc)? a1) Panties, bras, stockings and silky nighties. (2) If you have borrowed clothes from women, whose have you borrowed (mom, sister, wife etc)? a2) Yes, mother's, wife's, mother in law, sister and girlfriends. (3) If you buy clothes, where do you shop for them (supermarket, online etc)? a3) Department stores usually and Victoria’s secret. (4) Has anyone ever seen you dressed? a4) Yes. (5) How old were you when you first dressed? a5) 8… 阅读更多内容
Sissy test 4 : how far have you gone as a sissy?
for Hanah Sissy Cock tease No cock can resist you - you can get most men, because they are all attracted to your sex appeal. You love pleasuring men so much, you would pay to suck them. You just hope to keep going and you continue enjoying it all… 阅读更多内容
Your COGIATI result value is: 190 Which means that you fall within the following category: COGIATI classification FOUR, PROBABLE TRANSSEXUAL… 阅读更多内容
Sissy test 2 : how sissy are you?
Total A= 35 B= 4 C= 1 It's perfect, girlie! You are 100% Sissy... or a woman already!… 阅读更多内容
Sissy test : do you really feel like a woman?
Total = 185 It's perfect, girlie! You made close to the highest score! This means that you are a woman, a transsexual, or 100% sissy. You are almost a female, and unless you have already changed your sex, you have often thought about it. You like men only, you wouldn't know what to do with a woman, except to talk about clothes or boys. You just hope to have many clothes, shoes, handbags, and... many hot guys!… 阅读更多内容
Sissy test 3: What kind of sissy are you?
HOUSEWIFE SISSY Your dream is to be a bride sissy, and get married to a real man, who will consider and treat you like his wife. You want to be a woman 24/7, open to the world, at the arm of your husband, loving him and being loved by him. You only regret you couldn't give him c***dren, making love together each and every day.… 阅读更多内容