1: When did you lose your virginity? 15 2: Rough sex or soft sex? Rough 3: Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes? Yes, many 4: Weirdest place you’ve ever had sex? taxi 5: Favourite sex position? standing, giving from behind 6: Do you like to be dominant or submissive? dom 7: Have you ever had any one night stands? many 8: Sex on the bed, couch or the floor? Any 9: Have you ever had sex in a public place? Yes 10: Have you ever been caught masturbating? Yes 11: What does your favorite sexy underwear look like? i don't wear 12: How often do you have sex? usually daily 13: Is there… 阅读更多内容
Please answer these
1) if you had a sex superpower what would it be? 2) 3 of the best fucks you had and what happened? 3) have you ever cheated? and was it worth it? 4) 5 of you fave sex moves? 5) 3 sexual fantasies (can be outrages as you want) you want to do? and this. 1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Favorite position (s)? 4. Do you think I'm hot? 5. Would you have sex with me? 6. Do you want me to fuck you? 7. Have you ever thought about having sex with me? 8. Do you like cuddling afterwards? 9. Condom or skin? 10. Do you give Oral pleasures? 11. Do you like to receive Oral Pleasures? 12. Have sex on the first… 阅读更多内容