Who or what the fuck is 'vercury'?

Lots of my uploads have been deleted with a notation "deleted by vercury". Does anyone know who or what this is? Every day my uploads go down and the deleted list grows. It's why I no longer upload. I know there are copyright issues, but this site is dying on it's ass. They are total hypocrites as they KNOW 99% of the uploads that make up this site infringe their conditions... they know this. It's why it was set up. They ain't idiots. Or are they? As they seem intent on closing their own site down. And that would be sad. :(… 阅读更多内容

发表者 heisenberg77 9 年 前 6

DMCA- ... Is he a great uploader... or just a twat

I'll vote the latter. This guy... I had as a friend because I liked a few of his uploads. Like many, I think, I stayed friends because a few of the plethora of videos he posts were okay. Today I thought "Enough". The guy seems to have self-esteem issues. he seems to have an obsession with people commenting on stuff... of how many movies he's posted. He seems to think this site is his personal competition to get to the top of the uploaders league table. he also thinks that any video deletion is a personal slight on him. He doesn't seem to realise it's happening to everyone... probably for… 阅读更多内容

发表者 heisenberg77 9 年 前 3

So many trolls. The latest - SneakyNuts

He's a piece of work isn't he? I saw him calling out a guy called milehighclub as a troll, and actually posted a message of support, saying just block the fool, and got a tirade of abuse about... well here it is cut and pasted "actually, heisenberg, I have zero friends on here. that's because trolls pose as your friend just to rifle thru your vids, deleting them. I have enough actual friends, unlike you who prides himself on phony internet friends, which is comprised mostly of dudes posing as chicks. "just block the fool", are you k**ding me? this prick came at me, threatening and cursing at… 阅读更多内容

发表者 heisenberg77 10 年 前 3

How do you choose which porn to watch?

By that I mean, do you go by genre (BDSM, Squirting, Lesbian, etc), or do you chose the actress (or actor)? Do you choose the studio, or the director? This is interesting to me. Conversely, if your favourite pornstar is in a scene with an actor you really dislike... would you still watch it? I listed all my favourite actresses, but I cannot stand quite a few male stars, who seem quite nasty, horrible people... or who I simply don't think are good performers. Randy West, Tyce Bune, Nick Manning, Van Damage and especially Johnny Thrust I avoid. There are even some female stars I avoid lik… 阅读更多内容

发表者 heisenberg77 10 年 前 12

What makes an xhamster friend for you?

When you friend someone on xhamster... what are your criteria? I ask because people seem to have different expectations.. of others and themselves. Take the aforementioned (in my other blog) ctoan... she just wanted to spout anti-west bullshit (I by no means think the west are innocents, but her skewed and limited views were truly scary). Another users... Thelambofdeth is a feminist of the Nazi variety. She seems to absolutely HATE men.. and people in general, and seems to delight in demeaning anyone who posts on her wall, even if it's in support. She posts statuses purely to provoke and up… 阅读更多内容

发表者 heisenberg77 10 年 前 6

There's a real nutter on the boards. ctoan.

Well... I thought I'd seen it all. There's this (so-called) 20 year-old girl called ctoan on the boards. She writes blogs filled with hate against the west and calls Obama and the west 'slave owners'. Where is she from? North Korea. Funny eh? She also messages you and tells you that you must be interesting and not try to educate her as she finds it offensive... but go read her blogs and you'll find this is what she's trying to do to everyone else. All a bit scary. My big question to her... which she never answered, as she blocked me because I didn't fawn over her like the other saps... was… 阅读更多内容

发表者 heisenberg77 10 年 前 3