Perfect Fit

page 1 This week I went to visit a friend who lives far away. I drove a few miles and was already getting pain in the butt. As it was our first meeting was nothing new until I lost. And I got lost in a very c***dish way. I just switched the side of the road. when I arrived my friend, beautiful man, was waiting for me at the gate. In a somewhat audacious way I was slowly approaching him and, we began to laugh: - Did you miss the road? - No! - What happened? - I messed up the side of the road! (We gave lots of laughs) "Come and meet my house." So he took my hand and led me into his beautiful hou… 阅读更多内容

发表者 HomemDoBrasil 6 年 前

Encaixe Perfeito

página 1 Essa semana fui visitar um amigo que mora muito longe. Dirigi alguns quilômetros e já estava ficando com dor na bunda. Como era nosso primeiro encontro não foi nenhuma novidade até me perdi. E, me perdi de uma forma muito infantil. apenas troquei o lado da estrada. quando cheguei meu amigo, lindo homem, me esperava no portão. De uma maneira um pouco audaciosa fui me aproximando dele lentamente e, começamos a rir: - Errou de estrada? - Não! - O que houve? - Confundi o lado da estrada! (Demos muitas gargalhadas) - Venha conhecer minha casa. Assim, ele pegou minha mão e me levou para den… 阅读更多内容

发表者 HomemDoBrasil 6 年 前


Semana passada resolvi sair com um novo amigo que tem 65 anos de idade. Vou chamá-lo de Alex. Ele me contatou num desses serviços de encontros gays e disse que gostaria de me conhecer. Começamos a conversar e ele começou a postar em seu próprio perfil daquele serviço. Ele se declara hetrossexual com muita curiosidade c*** vida homossexual. Marcamos e fomos para um motel. Tiramos as roupas, um banho e eu já avisei sobre a camisinha. Já que ele havia me convidado para sair pensei que fosse tomar a iniciativa. De repente ele começa a falar depois de um silencio nada bom. - "Esse é o primeiro… 阅读更多内容

发表者 HomemDoBrasil 6 年 前 1


La semana pasada decidí salir con un nuevo amigo que tiene 65 años de edad. Voy a llamarlo Alex. Él me contactó en uno de esos servicios de encuentros gays y me dijo que me gustaría conocerme. Comenzamos a conversar y empezó a publicar en su propio perfil de aquel servicio. Se declara heterosexual con mucha curiosidad con la vida homosexual. Marcamos y fuimos a un motel. Tiramos la ropa, un baño y yo ya le avisé sobre el condón. Ya que me había invitado a salir, pensé que era tomar la iniciativa. De repente comienza a hablar después de un silencio nada bueno. "Esa es la primera relación se… 阅读更多内容

发表者 HomemDoBrasil 6 年 前


Last week I decided to go out with a new friend who is 65 years old. I'll call him Alex. He contacted me at one of these gay dating services and said he'd like to meet me. We started talking and he started posting on his own profile of that service. He declares himself heterosexual with great curiosity about homosexual life. We dialed and went to a motel. We took the clothes, a shower and I already warned about the condom. Since he had invited me out, I thought I would take the initiative. Suddenly he begins to speak after a good silence. "This is the first sexual relationship with a man I… 阅读更多内容

发表者 HomemDoBrasil 6 年 前


La semaine dernière, j'ai décidé de sortir avec un nouvel ami de 65 ans. Je l'appellerai Alex. Il m'a contacté à l'un de ces services de rencontres gay et a dit qu'il aimerait me rencontrer. Nous avons commencé à parler et il a commencé à poster sur son propre profil de ce service. Il se déclare hétérosexuel avec une grande curiosité pour la vie homosexuelle. Nous avons composé et sommes allés à un motel. Nous avons pris les vêtements, une douche et j'ai déjà prévenu du préservatif. Depuis qu'il m'avait invité, je pensais prendre l'initiative. Soudain il commence à parler après un bon silen… 阅读更多内容

发表者 HomemDoBrasil 6 年 前

World prejudice against mature gay men

We can not consider the prejudice in older cultures because we will rarely find something like this. In ocidental society, specifically, generational prejudice is a reality. Younger men or even young adults up to their 30s do not seem to accept having sex with older men. It also does not matter if it is passive or ative, top or bottom. The fact is that, preferably, young people prefer men less adults because they believe that there is a chemistry that renounces their own youth. Unlike some oriental societies that prefer to keep their mature men close by because of their wisdom (we know that… 阅读更多内容

发表者 HomemDoBrasil 6 年 前