My wife got fucked from a guy who I had set it up with me talking to him for a few weeks and telling him what she likes and how to seduce her into going with him the guy was in his mid fifties and he was a very good looking guy who had a massive cock and probably the biggest one she has ever seen it was over nine inches long and he had a big fat helmet and I said to him that his cock got ne horny looking at it and he said that he is a bisexual guy and he really liked slim guys especially if they dress up and we talked about the type of thing he is into with him telling me that he would love to… 阅读更多内容
Meeting first ever swing
I was in the shopping centre when I saw edwina the girl from a couple my wife and I met for swinging she had pu,she had put a bit of weight on but still looked sexy and saying to her asking how she was with her giving me a big smile we chatted when I asked if she fancied a coffee with her accepting we were talking about the time we had met with me saying I wanted to meet again but the wife didn't want her asking if I ended seeing my wife getting funked with Brian and saying yes loved it with her asking if I still swinging saying yes on my own and she asked if I would swinging with her and said… 阅读更多内容
Persuade the wife to have some fun
We were watching porn and talking about the scene which was of a bbw mature wife who was in the kitchen chatting to a guy who was at our barbecue and they had been in the kitchen for a long time with me going to see how they were I was very shocked at first then feeling a rush of the horn when I see my wife kissing the guy who had his hand up her dress and he was fingering her and she was moaning with her saying to him that she has not been fucking her husband for months and months and he said to her that he would sort her out and then she said that he had a big cock and she told him that it w… 阅读更多内容
Meeting our first couple a year later
I am walking through the shopping centre and I see Elaine the girl from the couple we met and I said hi to her when she turned to look at me and my wife she said hello you two guys and she said to me that I look so sexy and she said to my wife and you are just so adorable and she is wearing a very thin dress as I can see her tits and nipples through it and I see my wife looking at her tits just as she looked round and caught her with her saying to her did she like what she could see when she said to come over and sit beside her in a cafe with us sitting in a little cubicle right away from anyo… 阅读更多内容
Wank to
If was having a thought of how she would naked and I have my thoughts and she asked me to tell her how I can imagine her and say that I thought of her even though she is quite a good fuck a6nd I said to her could she remember her best ever fuck and she said yes it was horny and kiny and my wife said that I would love to fuck her asking her if she was natural or smooth and she asked what I put a porn on and she said she was like her in the porn and I asked if she was like that naked and does she have a pussy and she said she did and I was pushing my hand up her skirt between her legs and saying… 阅读更多内容
Making a porn
I contacted the woman of a couple who we met as she had a great imagination and she said she would help me make a porn with me saying to her that I would love to film my wife and act a role play scene out with her telling me about my wife and how she was still on the site on her own profile and she asked me what the scene was about when I told her that I love the idea of what we did when we met and talked about what we like to think about so when I said that I wanted to get another couple that would just meet by chance with her saying she had a guy who was very hairy and talked dirty and kinky… 阅读更多内容
At the hotel
We were very drunk and this guy was being very suggestive with me about the wife saying to him that he would need to be over nine and a half inches but he said to me to give him my number and he will send me a picture of it and I was talking to my wife in the room and said to her what I said to him when she said that he was not bigger than nine and a half inches saying that if he was then he would be allowed to fuck her and she laughed just as my phone went with a picture. Message and I look at the picture and I said to her fuck me look at the size of that cock with her saying to let her see h… 阅读更多内容
Caught wanking watching pic
My mate and his wife had been over for a drink and I told them just to sleep in the spare room but in the morning I could hear them both talking with her telling him that her nipples where absolutely gorgeous and he told her that he was thinking about her while he fucked her and I was getting really horny listening to them as I taped them on the phone and I took it to the wife and she said that she doesn't think so but I play the tape and she said she would like to see her and him wanking together with me telling her that I will get her a smoke and a drink and I go down the stairs and then I h… 阅读更多内容
Seeing my wife fucked by another guy
I gave my wife's number to a guy I was talking to online and he said he will message her to try and get her to go out with him and she said that she had answered his first message and he said he had sent a picture of him naked and he acted as if it was another girl and she said very nice to his picture so he said he was chatting away with her asking her what she is like with him dropping certain things with her reacting to them as she said to him what sort of girl does he go for and he said to her right away that he loves older mature women who are curved and are natural because he said to her… 阅读更多内容
Mature wife gets compliment
My wife was saying to me that she had been talking to a young guy from the shop she went to thinking it was a fish monger and she said that he was saying to her to go to a shop in town and he said that she is very nice looking as she said that she is old enough to be his mother and he said no way to her and she told him her age and she is fifty years old and he said that would not bother him one bit with her telling me that she looked at him and he had a hard on with her telling him thanks and she left but she said she kept thinking about how he was so turned on by her kissing me and feeling m… 阅读更多内容
Wife and daughter on holiday pt 3
So the guy is standing with his cock in his hand and I ask my wife what they had been doing together earlier in the night and she said to come to the Room and we are talking with her telling me that she had gone to the toilet upstairs and she said that when she comes out the guy is standing in the hall with his wife and they were kissing and touching each other as they are talking saying that she knows that he wanted to fuck that older women and he tells her that she had said to him that she had a natural pussy and how he would love to lick her for ages and she said that she probably gets her… 阅读更多内容
Wife with her friend from work
My wife was out on a work night out with all the ladies and I had been talking to one of the ladies my wife works with with and I have been talking to her and telling her how my wife and I have been fantasising about her with me telling her that I would tell my wife to imagine that she had been drinking with her friend from work and how her friend had said to her that she could come home to her house and she can stay the night if she wants to rather than get a taxi and she said that she could let her husband know so I got the phone call from her telling me that she is just going to stay with h… 阅读更多内容
Big bi fantasy
I have a big fantasy of meeting with a few couples and singles guys that are very bisexual mature and we met them in a pub and we get talking with them and I put a bit of MDMA into my wife's drink and after half an hour or so she is very happy and talking to everyone she is with a guy who I met before and that I know that he has a big cock on him and he is a very dirty talking guy who loves to manipulate the situation and he will be talking to my wife and telling her that he is bi and likes guys to suck him as well as fucking a nice hairy mature pussy and I met with him in the toilet and he sa… 阅读更多内容
Had an idea
My wife and I were at the caravan but she was very angry with me and I just said to her look just fucking tell me the truth with you and whoever you have been talking to as I tell her to look at it as I pointed to me getting really hard and saying to her that I am not bothering what you have been upto with me asking her to just tell me who it was okay she said right but it is difficult situation she said to me as I say why because they are married as well like you are but she said that the partner doesn't know anything about us yet I told her to tell me because I have my own suspicion of who I… 阅读更多内容
Weekend with the wife
We went to our caravan down the north east and we had not been getting on with each other as I have been taking a smoke and she was really ready to leave but we decided to go to the caravan for the weekend and she was going on about how I have been talking to other people on the site and I say that she can do it if she wants to with us having a good drink that night and she was drunk and she said to me that she would love to have a smoke with me telling her that I can get one if she wants to with her telling me to get a smoke with me already having some in my van where I went out for a while a… 阅读更多内容
First ever with a guy
I met with the girlfriend of the couple my wife and I had met with and she was telling me about the things that really turns her on so much and she said that she would love to act out a role play with her and her boyfriend and she said that she had got him to give a guy a blow job and he got one from the guy and she said that he really enjoyed it and she said to him that he should get another guy to suck him off in front of her and she said that she had been talking to him about how he would feel in if I was to suck him with her telling him that she had been talking to me and she said that she… 阅读更多内容
Set up pissed off wife
My wife was raging because I have been on a swinging site and she had seen that I have been talking to other people and I know that she had got herself a profile to keep her eyes on me and I found out what her profile name was so I got this guy who I have been talking to about how I would love to get her to get fucked by another guy and he tells me that he will message her for me and he tells me that she is talking to him and that he is giving her lots of compliments and I told him what type of thing she loves getting done to her and he said that he was telling her that he loves woman who have… 阅读更多内容
Wife wants role play
My wife and I were talking about different role play scenarios and I asked her if she would like a smoke with us having a good smoke and she said she was stoned and horny as I ask her what her favourite scenarios are and I was a bit surprised when she said to me that she likes the type that has freinds who are at a party together and how the wife ends up getting pulled into a room with her husband and he will be playing with her telling her that he can imagine doing this to her older freind from her work and she asked him to tell her how he would fuck her with her telling her husband that she… 阅读更多内容
Noticed New underwear
I have noticed my wife has been buying lots of different underwear and some of it is really sexy but when I asked my friend he said that she had been getting different things for him and her to act out different scenarios and he said that he loves her very short skirt with it barley covered her bum and I asked him how the scenario went with her wearing that outfit with him telling me that she comes over to his house and she tells him that she had to stop meeting with him and she noticed that he has a guy in with him and he talks to her and said that he thought that she is so sexy and hot as he… 阅读更多内容
Setting up a camera in the room
I said to my wife that I was going away for two weeks to do a job and I have been talking to Brian the guy that my wife and I first met as a couple with his girlfriend and I told him what he has to do and say to her and how he was going to to my house one day as if he was from the company that fixed the meter and he said that when she opened the door and seen him with him saying hello to her and how was looking good as she said that he was looking great himself and he said that he was going to get a smoke and he asked her if she wants one with him and she said yes right away he told me and the… 阅读更多内容