Melba Jean's huge hindquarters & my Face

i was still in high school the first time Melba Jean had me kneel down behind her enormous undersides and give her my face. Off and on occasionally for the next twenty years i’ve re-visited her haunches, and it has never been less than intoxicating, humiliating, and gloriously bewitching and delightful. Melba’s into her mid-40s now and i’m still three years behind her – and yes she still lets me eat that astounding ass of hers, and her glorious backsides have inspired me endlessly, and in all manner of kinky ways . . . i wouldn’t be a quarter of the pervert i am today without having access to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 huskysubbie 7 年 前

studly big-bellied older perv claims my throat

i recall this one time in a bar in Boulder, Colorado... i took a chance on an older guy. He had taken a chance on me, doing a quick grope of my backside... it was a shock at first, and then it became something else. He was taller than me, had this way about him, bossy and privileged, wearing a suit and tie, going kind of bald, but not hard to look at... he was big-bellied, like he’d had a lot of good meals along the way. “You a skier,” he asked, his big hand squeezing my ass cheek. i liked that, that he thought that, that he used that kind of approach as a come-on... “Yeah, i like to get out… 阅读更多内容

发表者 huskysubbie 9 年 前 11

Colonized by Him, Hungry to tell Her

i learned there were things i could learn only while being colonized by a relentless male lover. And by colonized i mean, Yes — His relentlessly curious and delving cock up my ass, taking my ass to places only He could, exploring and exploiting my willingness to BE colonized ! And those intimate lessons His cock taught my ass, oh how badly i wanted to report back to Melba Jean with all that he had taught me, and i knew, deep in my subbie natu… 阅读更多内容

发表者 huskysubbie 9 年 前 1