best movies to see or have seen 1 Phantasm 2 Jurassic Park saga. 3 Howels moving castle 4 equilibrium 5 The Professional 6 Clover field saga 7 Super Troopers 8 The Longest Day 9 Star Wars saga 9 The Hobbit 10 The Punisher series. 11 The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead 12 Gundam all they have 13 One Punch Man 14 The X Files 15 Pans Labyrinth I could keep nameing but like to hear what some of yalls are.… 阅读更多内容
Biggest PEDO he says all his women are secret 18 but he really has sex with un der a g e d women this guy needs to go to jail report his id NO WONDER HES NOT IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ANYMORE. im sure the FBI is looking for him… 阅读更多内容
WTF are xhamster police
So the sites got police but I thought only reviewer's were the law first gold members badge now xham police scammers what's next c***d porn on the site again. want real stuff multiple accounts under same IP so thats allowed??? this site really needs to go back to how it was before.… 阅读更多内容
thoughts in my head arnt normal
If i was under hypnosis it might be really scary. I like puppies.… 阅读更多内容
Fix your site
So many times your site crashes. so many times we complain. your servers suck stop playing with your dicks and keyboards on DOTA ARMA WOW LOL DAYZ AND many many more. Or let someone else help you run your server's.… 阅读更多内容
FAKE CAMS report and ban nuff said the list gets bigger and bigger each and every seconds OH YEA DA FAKE CAMS ARE SMART NOW TOO ROFL REALLY FAIL… 阅读更多内容
I recently got back in to building models like all sorts. If i ever get a new cam ill def be posting all the models i been building. But yea till then uh yea building models are fun and calms the mind.… 阅读更多内容
22nd Zombie Appcolypse
Okay so the world ended da 21 correct but the real threat was da zombies on da 22nd so uhm yea i saw no zombies cept of Comedy Central SHAUN OF DA DEAD so yea da APPCOLYSE HAH ps drunk people are not zombies if were walking stagerd and slouched LOL… 阅读更多内容