U sobi...

(ovo je dio chata sa partnerom na xhamsteru, fotke su iz mojih galerija ovdje) Mmm... ulazimo u sobu dok te ja drzim za kitu koja u mojoj ruci postaje tvrda i debela kao i ranije na balkonu... dok hodam ispred tebe uzivas u pogledu na moju guzu, gledas kako svaki moj guz se pomjera i trese dok sigurno koracam sa tvojom tvrdom kitom u ruci... dok hodamo osjetis kako ti milujem kitu i lagano drkam - u tome uzivas... nakon sto sjednes u fotelju po tvojim naredbama diram se po cijelom tijelu... uzivam u tome sto vidim u tvojim ocima kako me zelis uzeti i posjedovati, pritisnuti, napastvovati, gri… 阅读更多内容

发表者 hotsandra94 6 年 前 56

Fikcija "cimeri"

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发表者 miss_erotic_pen 6 年 前

Vlažna noć

Davno je prošla ponoć, šetali smo gradom dugo i nismo ni primetili kad smo ušli u deo grada gde su ogromne kuće, vile... Prepoznala sam kuću predsednika moje banke pošto sam poslovno dolazila nekoliko puta. Svetla su pogašena, znala sam da nije kuci, bio je na poslovnom putu a ja sam imala ključ, rekoh da hoću da ti je pokažem. Ulazimo unutra, u dvorištu je ogroman bazen. - Noćno kupanje? Udji unutra, odmah dolazim. Sk**aš se i skačeš u bazen. Pale se baklje koje su poredjane svuda oko bazena. Ja dolazim sa flašom šampanjca u beloj majici i šortsu... Ulazim polako niz stepenice u vodu... Skr… 阅读更多内容

发表者 miss_erotic_pen 7 年 前 9

rasparane hulahopke (mašta)

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发表者 xxxstory 7 年 前

Maserka I Sportaš (mašta)

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发表者 xxxstory 7 年 前

Way I would like to be treated - video

This is way I would like to be treated from time to time (maybe soon all time) :* Another video can be founded here: http://xxxbunker.com/melina_mason_rough_games Let me know if you like video and suggest something more and different :-) Kisses Sandra… 阅读更多内容

发表者 hotsandra94 8 年 前 12

Inspiration for new gallery - actress Leigh Darby

Last few days I have spent lot of time enjoying on xhamster. Although I prefer guys (experienced and endowed), I have seen commercial which looks extremely hot - older woman (as guys prefer to call MILF) was dominating and letting young boy to take her. I found out that name of actress is Leigh Darby: Later on I have found full movie (which was partly shown in commercial) and I h… 阅读更多内容

发表者 hotsandra94 8 年 前 14

Slave tease and footjob in black pantyhose

Mystery tease her foot slave with her high heels on his crotch.He get a big boner in his pants and Mystery decide to jerk him off with a hot footjob! Her black pantyhosed toes grab his cock and bring him up to heaven.Look at her sexy toes when she spread them wide during jerk him :-) bit.ly/1LRGScC… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mysteryoriginal 10 年 前 5

Mystery white pantyhose footjob

Mystery get this new hot white pantyhose and the first thing she have to do is to give her slave a awesome footjob! She sit on her sofa and start to tease him with her sexy high heels.After she slip out of them Mystery grab his cock with her white pantyhosed feet and jerk him up to heaven.See her amazing toes thru theese fine legware during they jerk him off until he cum om her feet. http://clips4sale.com/26445/12726386阅读更多内容

发表者 mysteryoriginal 10 年 前 7

Nylon slave footjob in black pantyhose2

Mystery give her foot slave another lessen in footjobs.For this she wear a hot black leotard and some very high black mules.See how she jerk him to heaven with her nyloned feet in different positions.He also get her glove covered hands on his cock and a great blowjob too.He must be a good student to get a lession like this :-) Finally he cum with a big cumshot all over her nyloned feet. http://clips4sale.com/26445/12369855阅读更多内容

发表者 mysteryoriginal 10 年 前 4

Slave jerk off on table

Next footjob session for Mysterys nylon slave.She have the mission to test a pair wonderful nylons, sending from www.simplyclassicstockings.com, on his cock.He came in and Mystery start to tease him with her glove covered hands.Until he was ready to get her nylon feet she jerk him with her sweet toes.See her feet covered in these awesome stockings grabbing his cock.You can see her red painted toenails thru the reinforcement during he get a great footjob from her.BUT !!! Mystery will not ruin the fine nylons with his cum, so he have only access to cum on the glas table.I guess its not important… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mysteryoriginal 10 年 前 4

Footjob and handjob from schoolgirl

Schoolgirl Mystery was a bad girl today in the classroom.To get her rightful punishment she have to visit her teacher private in the afternoon.Now she can show him her good will.She wear her sexy schoolgirl outfit with black stockings.She know he is into black stockings ;-) First she rub his cock thru his underwear until she can see his hard boner.Then she start to jerk him with her nyloned feet in different positions.Suddenly she get a black stocking out of nowhere and put it over his cock.That almost let him explode !!! What a dirty dirty schoolgirl she is.So safe his life and spare him a he… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mysteryoriginal 10 年 前 6