The past 9 days of my life has been a complete blurrrrrr. My best friend came into town for some vacation time and to celebrate both our birthdays and man the girl wore me out!! It was good for me to get out considering I spend almost all of my time working and never just taking a break to enjoy time with friends! We went to six flags, shopping, both of us got tattooed, and I got to see lots of people that I had missed, got a little fucked up a few times and really just let go and enjoyed life while I had the time with her. You guys are going to kill me because I really sucked at taking p… 阅读更多内容
a****l Lover
But I didn’t get to hang out on Friday with everyone as planned because at the very last second my roommates dog decided to bite a porcupine :( Needless to say, he got it pretty bad in the mouth inside and out.We rushed him to the vet, and they sedated him and kept him overnight. When we got home we called a****l control and told them there was a injured porcupine on our property. There was only one working a****l control officer overnight and they wouldn’t come for just a ” injured porcupine” :( The next morning I woke up and went outside to look to see if I could take a better look… 阅读更多内容