I suggest that anyone who saves vids on XHamster. Take the time to save them to your computer or external drive. I'm trying to reach the 1500 mark but keep having vids deleted. Just went through had 36 deleted.… 阅读更多内容
Keep getting invites that end up being marked retired. The latest one retired within 3 hours of invite. What's up?… 阅读更多内容
To all the thin skinned members that can't take a negative comment, GROW UP. I live in a Democracy where free speech is guaranteed, I call it as I see it. How c***dish to remove comments just because they are not to your liking.… 阅读更多内容
Deleted Videos
Just cleaned up my favorites, removed over 70 vids that have been deleted, shame on you X-Hamster.… 阅读更多内容
If you really like a video enough to save it, I suggest that it be downloaded also. You never know if or when it may be deleted. Just cleaned my favorites, went from 1088 to 870just like that. I see why hamsterdamm gets so frustrated. Of all the sites I watch X-HAMSTER is by far the worst when it comes to deleting videos.… 阅读更多内容
I can't believe someone can dwell on a subject for so long. This vindictive soul is posting all over negative things about me. She posted a negative comment about newalbani and I called her on it, giving a little back to her. She shouldn't post videos if she's not prepared for a comment she may not like. She shouldn't belittle newalbani or I if she can't take it herself. She needs to have a thicker skin. What I can't understand is that all the people responding to her comments fail to see the reason wrote the comment in the first place. I think she shows a real distain not only to me but t… 阅读更多内容