My First Bi Massage

I never knew I like cock until I went to get a massage in Davis about 20 years ago. The ad was in the SNR and was a massage for men by a well-defined amateur body builder. I booked the massage. His name was N…. and he was about 6 feet tall with a thicker build. When he came to the door he was completely naked and it really caught me by surprise. His cock was limp and really thick. He invited me in and had me get undressed and lay face down on the bed. He wasn't clean shaven but was quite handsome. Anyway he began the massage and it was very good. When he got around to my side i could… 阅读更多内容

发表者 planeview650 11 年 前

Becoming Bi? My First Time

I never knew I like cock until I went to get a massage in Davis about 20 years ago. The ad was in the SNR and was a massage for men by a well-defined amateur body builder. I booked the massage. His name was N…. and he was about 6 feet tall with a thicker build. When he came to the door he was completely naked and it really caught me by surprise. His cock was limp and really thick. He invited me in and had me get undressed and lay face down on the bed. He wasn't clean shaven but was quite handsome. Anyway he began the massage and it was very good. When he got around to my side… 阅读更多内容

发表者 planeview650 11 年 前 3

What happened in my basement part 4

I had to work late today and actually I was happy about that because it meant there wouldn't be a visitor in my basement after work. By the time I got home the boys would be there and I'd be safe. I have to admit I felt weak for thinking that, that I was being protected by the presence of my sons, but that was the reality of it. There were just three of us working late tonight, a kind of punishment from the boss, for various reasons. Our job was to string work lights on the next floor of the 30 story building that was under construction. Pretty much all of the other guys had gone home… 阅读更多内容

发表者 splunker 6 年 前 10

trump is an absolute disaster

("Given his proclivity for revenge combined with his notorious thin skin, this threatens to result in a lasting relationship of distrust and ill will between the president and the intelligence community,” said Paul Pillar, former deputy director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center...Pillar added: “Everything Trump has indicated with regard to his character and tendencies for vindictiveness might be worse” than former president Richard Nixon, who also had a dysfunctional relationship with the intelligence community.) That above comment will bring out trumps arrogance and stupidity in dealin… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Bukkakeslutsforever 8 年 前 139

My first time Act IV End of the season

My first time - End the season party As our basketball season wound down, ronnie and I got together quite frequently to "study and do homework" both at my house and his. But we didn't do homework that really was not the main reason why we got together. Ron and I had extended discussions about how I was able to take his cock entirely in my mouth without gagging. He practiced on me and was able to improve his skills a fair bit. There were 8 teams in our league and the top 4 teams made it to a two-game playoff with the winners of each game playing for the championship. Remained in 2nd plac… 阅读更多内容

发表者 orcyclist948 12 年 前

Daddy's little ass whore

Part of me was glad that this was the last hole Daddy was going to claim. It's the only one I've never experienced. And while the little ass play I've had has felt amazing, I know this is going to be very different from what I've had. I am ready for Daddy to do this, but to be honest it's quite scary as well. I know I need to relax and not worry about it. This will be a true test of my trust in Daddy. I have to truly surrender for this to work. Daddy taking my mouth and cunt were easy compared to this. I knew what to expect for the most part. I have no idea what's going to happen when… 阅读更多内容

发表者 xangelhartx 11 年 前 3

Almost 6 months since Craiglist

Has anyone found a replacement yet for the personals on craiglist?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 rukiachambers 6 年 前 4

Holy Shit, I would love to live this way...

Three lovers, all into enjoying each other...… 阅读更多内容

发表者 dcwatcher 6 年 前 9

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发表者 tonyblack36 6 年 前

Home Story

发表者 cansel 6 年 前 78


This is about to be proof why I shouldn't be allowed to write something others might be able to read, even by accident, when I'm feeling this way. I am sick to fucking death of what my life amounts to at this point. I spent the last couple of days fantasizing about dying in an accident somehow (quick and painless, preferably) or being medically castrated; either one would help. I hate myself for feeling like this because it means my wife and k**s aren't enough to make me truly happy. The awful truth is that they just aren't. I love my k**s a bunch, say I do, anyway, and e… 阅读更多内容

发表者 bigfella1313 8 年 前 21

Best Lube Ever

I've been using a homemade lube to jerk-off with for awhile now. It works great and is easy to make. You simply mix 2/3 parts Petroleum Jelly with 1/3 parts Mineral Oil. Be sure to stir it thoroughly and let it set in for an hour or so. When you apply it to your cock it should melt from your body heat and become creamy and slick. So, stroke away and enjoy!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 uncutjim 9 年 前 38

How It All Started.

It happened like this, we went out to a club one night with some friends and my friend happened to have some Ecstasy tablets on him and offered one each to my wife and I. We had never had them before but we thought, why not? Well, fuck me but we had a fantastic night of dancing and we were really getting into each other and really, all we wanted to do is go home and fuck. It's all we could think about. Anyway the night wore on and the d**gs started to wear off but when we finally got home we had a really good sex session, we did things with each other we had never done before. She fucked… 阅读更多内容

发表者 kgbcd 11 年 前 27

Gurl Story – Be Careful What You Wish For

“This one right here” Max said. “This little sissy is perfect!” Max and his two friends had spent the last few weeks scouring Craigslist personal ads for a small crossdressing sissy that they could take advantage of in the back room at Max’s dive bar. “I’ll email the cunt with a few pics of my nine-inch cock – see if she bites!” he bragged to his friends. Sure enough, two hours later, the CD named Holly liked and commented on Max’s pictures. Throughout the day Max and Holly swopped information and emailed each other, then Holly decided to send Max pictures that he wanted (face, her little siss… 阅读更多内容

发表者 MatureBrownMan 7 年 前 3

Cock Dominated In a Motel

A bit over ten years ago I was surfing the internet and found a message sent to me on adult friend finder from a man who lived in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He said that he was going to be doing some work in New Castle, PA and would be staying in a motel not too far from me, and wondered if I'd be interested in getting together with him. Since it is my policy to always respond to all emails on adult dating sites, even the rude ones, I replied, and we struck up a correspondence. We exchanged a few photos, and tentatively made plans to meet at his motel. The night that we had scheduled was bru… 阅读更多内容

发表者 StarrSluttCD 7 年 前 20

The Big One

This is another random story, and it involves a man with whom I've had an off-and-on sexual relationship for several years. There is an alternate bar not far from me which once a month has a Girls Night Out, and it's a pretty big deal for the Transgender community in this area. I haven't attended for a few years because of other commitments, but I used to go to the GNO three or four times a year, and the Christmas and Valentine's Day parties are usually pretty extravagant with live entertainment, drink specials, and of course dancing. I met my friend Ed at one of the GNO, he was an Admi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 StarrSluttCD 7 年 前 15


Kara I still want you! So, senior year of High School this gorgeous girl transfers in. I saw her wondering the halls totally lost and, being the wonderful person that I am I introduced myself to her and helped her find her classes. That afternoon I’m in the locker room changing for Gym class, and who should walk in but Miss Gorgeous! I walked over to her in just bra and panties and asked how she was doing. Looking at me from head to toes she replied she still felt hopelessly lost but she figured she’d be ok. With that she started stripping. It was all I could do not to stare at here gor… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stevie6808 10 年 前 79


Let me tell you a little about us before I get started. This is a true story that happened in 1982. I work in construction and travel all over the United States. Our youngest daughter had just graduated and started to collage. Both our other c***dren were already married. My wife told the c***dren that she was going on the road with me, that if hasn’t raised them to know right from wrong it was too late now, that her place was with me, wherever that might be. By then we had been married for 23 years. My wife was a lovely bbw and I guess that I am just average. We were working in Mobile Alab… 阅读更多内容

发表者 111740 6 年 前 49

My Ideal

If I was with you now i would be sucking on your earlobes, sucking on your mouth, chew-ing around your yummy neck moving down to your nipples sucking & chewing on them till they are hard and red then drop down between your legs and chew on the soft of your inner leg from the knee to your ball sac then start on the other leg, then chew on your ball sac taking each ball into my mouth and chewing on it making your cock run with precum once your cock shaft is super hard I would lick it all over and suc on your head licking your precum then swallow your cock down to your balls using my tongue & m… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Davo60 6 年 前 28

My story part 1... my younger years

So, I’ve been asked by a couple of people about how I came to be who I am… My story. I am a pretty boring person for the most part, but here it goes… I have always wanted to be a girl from my very first memories. I guess when I was a toddler, I would try to wear my mothers clothing. This made my parents panic because they were scared that they had a ‘transvestite’ boy. Call me what you want, I won’t change who I am because of labels that others give me. My early years were not pleasant. My father is / was a violent man and is opposed to anything LGBTQ. I remember getting a doll as a present o… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ZariaCD 6 年 前 14

Vacation with friend's fa**ily - part 2

In the first part of this story, I told you about Lisa, my friend’s 18 year old daughter whom I had just had a cock rattling experience in the house we were renting during our family vacation. After our sexual experience, I hit the shower (yes alone, I didn’t know when the rest of the group would come back), and Lisa hit the shower in her parent’s area of the house. I decided that it would be best if I just went out for a long walk and not be home when they all returned. I came back to the house at about 5 PM, and everybody was back. They asked where I’d been, if I was feeling better e… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ticlem69 11 年 前 8

Daughter's cell phone - 2nd episode

Some of you might have read the story about finding pics on my daughter's phone. Of not, here's where you can find it. So, when Julie came to pick up her phone, I asked her what type of pictures she likes taking since she got one of those new, latest iPhone with a 12 mega pixels resolution. "Oh nothing special, out with the girls to the restaurant. At work with co-workers. I sometimes take pictures just to have a reminder of some clothes I try on and the place. You know, girl stuff". "Right. Well, when I turned on your phone, I saw this background pic of… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ticlem69 6 年 前 22

Surprised by my daughter's cell phone

What the hell can I say. Julie, my daughter is 27 years old, on her own, career in chemistry, nice house. Doing good for herself. She's only got a little problem, she's absent minded as a goat. She'll go to the kitchen and forget why she went. She can't remember, or even understand, how to configure her electronics. iPhone, digital video recorder and electronics in general are a mystery to her, so I'm her go-to guy; I do work in IT so it's a natural. Of course, all dads think their k**s, their daughters in particular are great. But Julie is special. She's not the typical all American gi… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ticlem69 6 年 前 13

Daughter finds my special pic collection

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I was on my Mac looking at vacation pics, a vacation I took with my daughter and her cousin, my niece. Of course nothing happened during the vacation but you're off to the island with 3 great looking women (my wife was with us of course) your mind wonders. So here I am looking at bikini clad girls, my wife of 45, my daughter and her cousin both twenty wearing very small bikinis. So I make this secret stash of pics for later use. Except Before I had the chance to save it to my special Dropbox folder, the phone rang, my boss is calling and I need to get to the constru… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Ticlem69 6 年 前 33

story from nifty erotic stories

Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 00:23:25 -0400 From: mike loggerman <[email protected]> Subject: Cross Country Glory Holes I discovered glory holes when I was on a cross country trip. I was driving from New York to LA, and stopped at the rest areas for the night. I stopped in Pennsylvania for the night and went to the rest room. There was a large hole in the divider between the toilets and when I sat down, I could see the guy in next stall was stroking his cock. He saw me watching and stood up and stuck his cock through the hole. The idea of sucking a totally anonymous cock excited… 阅读更多内容

发表者 whatacase 11 年 前 1

Michael took me on an amazing cruise

My friend Michael surprised me by telling me he was taking me on a Caribbean cruise. He had the entire story planned out. You know…the story for my wife. The story for her was that Michael’s company that he worked for and I consulted for was sponsoring a cruise for it’s suppliers and vendors and I got an invite. It was a working cruise and I would be sharing a room with someone from the conference. It was a perfect story. The truth was I was going on a vacation with Michael and it had nothing to do with his company. The cruise departed on a Saturday out of Miami so I flew in on a Friday to… 阅读更多内容

发表者 puyallupman 6 年 前 38


My wild gay secret teen sex life began innoncently enough that early June day when Bobby Courtland the star quarterback of our seventh grade Warner Football team announced to us all that Robin Roberts, our one and only Jr. high fag was up in the woods waiting to give him a hot after practice blow job. Dam if spring football Pop W. practice didn't end in a hurry as out of 17 of us there right then, 6 including myself quite egarly chose to follow our team leader Bobby C. up into those secretive concealing nearby woods. Having heard tons of stories or rumors about queer strange Robin sucking lot… 阅读更多内容

发表者 cddixie 6 年 前 24