English: As you all might know, xhamster isn't allowing anymore to non verified users to upload content, tributers community have never been allowed to completely verify their channels and now they're asking for LOTS of personal information to everyone, this change + a lot more throughout the years has just completely killed the great tributes community we've had for years here on xhamster. Xhamster was the best platform BY FAR for uploading tributes and related content, sadly I don't really think we will ever find another site as great as Xhamster once was for tributers and creating our o… 阅读更多内容
Votaciónparami próximo tributo/Poll for my tribute
https://www.strawpoll.me/15240878 (Youtubers/streamers) Votación para mi próximo tributo en unas cuantas horas porfavor voten! En caso de empate yo eligiré a quien hacerlo. Poll for my next tribute in a few hours, please vote! If there's a tie i'll choose the girl.… 阅读更多内容