Yesterday I was feeling very horny so I decided to go to a nearby adult bookstore because I didn't feel like driving 60-90 minutes to go to the closest one I know of. I hadn't been to this particular bookstore in 30 years despite the fact that it is the closest one to my house. There used to be another one downtown, but it now only sells merchandise and doesn't even have videos for sale. When I went tho this bookstore when I first moved into the area, I didn't like the layout. You entered through the "bookstore" in the front which had a few magazines and adult toys as well as videos for sale.… 阅读更多内容
Back in my mid-twenties, I was part of a throuple, although back then I just called it a three way. I went out for drinks with some coworkers. We were all drinking and having a good time and I finished up my second or third drink, so I ordered another one and almost immediately everyone left. I decided to stay behind because I had a fresh drink and did not want to waste it. I didn't want to just slug it down, so I sat by myself and sipped it. After about 15 minutes a girl approached me. She asked what happened to my friends and I said they all just went home, and I was going to finish my drink… 阅读更多内容
My First Threesome
I had my first threesome when I was in college, my junior year. It was a MFF. I have always felt that those were too much work. It is hard to pay attention to both females at the same time, although I am always willing to try! It was one evening I was with my fuck buddy Jenny and her roommate Lisa. Their other roommates were gone and we were listening to music, talking, drinking and they were smoking pot. I had stopped the previous summer (long story) but I didn't care if they did. Plus, one thing it always did to me was make me horny and I was hoping that would be the effect on Jenny. And it… 阅读更多内容
Stepping it Up
After moving from the LA area down into Orange County, I found two X Rated theaters that I would go to. Both near Knotts Berry Farm on Beach Boulevard. One north of the 91 freeway (a Pussycat Theater) and one south (I believe it was just called Triple X). Anyway, I preferred the Pussycat because they gave people less of a hassle. Plus, the bathrooms were downstairs away from the employees. Eventually, they took out the last two or three rows of seats and left it open which made for some fun. It has since been torn down and is now a car dealership, Toyota I believe. I had a lot of fun in that t… 阅读更多内容
How It Started
I have always liked looking at cocks, even early on. The very first Playgirl I bought when I was about 16, the centerfold had a hard cock and he was just casually standing around with it sticking out. I think that is why I am so turned on to this day to see a guy with a hard cock just standing with it sticking out, not being held or anything. Weird, I know but it turns me on. I saw my first porn film my freshman year in college. A bunch of us went to see Deep Throat and The Devil in Miss Jones at the Pussycat Theater in Hollywood. I didn't go back to a porn theater again until my senior year,… 阅读更多内容
Answer some questions
Age: 64 Location: Southern California Last time you had sex: With my wife 9 1/2 years ago, with my hand, this morning Favorite position and why? Cow Girl, so I can watch my cock slide in and out of the pussy. Do you think I am hot? Would you have sex with me? lights on or off? Preferably on Would you have to be shitfaced? no Would you take a shower with me? yes Would you leave after or stay the night? stay to do it again Do you like cuddling afterwards? sure, until I get hard again What's my best feature? Condom or skin? Skin for vaginal, but condom for anal Do you like oral sex? yes Sex on th… 阅读更多内容
Laundry Night
Jenny was my first. We met my freshman year in college. She was about 5 foot five with brown hair that came just past her shoulders and nice big tits. (Despite really preferring smaller tits, I seem to have dated a lot of large breasted women). Her dorm floor were the little sisters to my dorm floor. It was kicked off with a big party on our dorm floor. Each male room was assigned a female's room to pair up with. The idea was to help make friends since we were all freshmen. Jenny and her roommate Lisa were actually paired up with one of my friend's room. The eight of us wound up hanging in my… 阅读更多内容
An Evening Out
Feeling horny as usual one evening, I decided to go to my favorite X-Rated movie theater. The X Theater on Hollywood Boulevard which was a couple of blocks off the freeway. It had two theaters to choose from (and you could only go in one side) and I usually looked at the posters of the movies playing to see which side to choose, usually based upon the women in the movie. I made my choice, paid and went in. It was early and there wasn't much of a crowd in the theater which disappointed me. I was thinking when I went there, I could go and jerk off a couple of guys like I usually do, getting jerk… 阅读更多内容
Adult Bookstore Fun
I have gone to adult bookstores for a long time but never really had much action in one. I think the laws in SoCal are much stricter than other places because I have never found an ABS like the ones I read about here. The adult movie theaters were better to get lucky in while they were still around. I still go to ABS even with all the free porn on the internet because I get very turned on knowing that the guy on the other side of this thin piece of wood is doing exactly what I am doing. Not sure why that turns me on, but it does. One day, I went to my favorite ABS one day not expecting anythi… 阅读更多内容
Amy Part Two
Amy and I packed up my van got some drive through breakfast and headed out. We got a later start than I had wanted because we both had slept so good and then the morning tussle. I could sense something was off but she said no. I was young and naive and didn't understand the "F" word, but she kept repeating that everything was fine (that "F" word). We drove for quite a while in awkward silence. She had picked out some tapes to listen to and quietly sang along. I sang along to, just to myself. I cannot sing to save my life and I wasn't going to torcher her. Eventually, the talking came back, but… 阅读更多内容
The biggest Cock
Back in the day when there were still porn theaters, I enjoyed going to watch the movies. Sometimes I would be on the hunt for cock (or even occasionally pussy) and sometimes just to watch the movies and maybe jerk off. One particular evening, I went, not necessarily looking for cock, but if I found it, I wouldn't turn it down. I was enjoying the films that were playing but not looking for anything that night. But things were about to change. I had been in the theater for a while and need to pee, so I got up and went to the bathroom. This bathroom had two urinals and one was occupied so I na… 阅读更多内容
Sucking My First Cock
It was my grad year in college. I was feeling a little sorry for myself because I didn't have a girlfriend at the time. So I decided to go to Hollywood to watch some porn. As I was driving there, I changed my mind and decided to go to this dump of a strip club called the Ivar Theater. It's still there, just no longer a strip club. It has actually been cleaned up pretty nicely. At the time, it was a small movie theater setting with a runway going down the middle, movie theater type seats. Occasionally, when they didn't have enough girls, they'd place some porn movies in between the dancers. And… 阅读更多内容
Amy Part One
I was always very shy with women. Didn't lose my virginity until my freshman year in college. And quite frankly, at first she initiated all sexual activity. I was extremely shy and didn't think (and still don't) think I was very attractive. Her name was Jenny and her father forced us to break up because they were well off and he thought I was after her money. I was clueless about her money, but we broke up anyway. We did, however, remain fuck buddies throughout college. I'm pretty sure her dad didn't know about that. Stories for another day. This one is about Amy. It was August and I was head… 阅读更多内容
Masturbation Quiz
Random Masturbation Quiz Are you male or female? Male Age? 62 At what age did you start masturbating? 15 How many times a week do you masturbate? 3-4 How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? I orgasm every time I masturbate _________________________________ Where do you masturbate: In bed? Yes In the shower? Yes In the bath? No Outdoors? No At work? No Every room in the house? No In a car while traveling along the interstate? No __________________________________ What do you fantasize about when you play: A significant other? Sometimes A friend? Sometimes A friend's spou… 阅读更多内容