A couple years back I had stopped at a local pornshop. Feeling horny and looking to dump a load. There was one other guy in the video boot area. The in-use light was on there was a 6" gap at the bottom seen a set of feet and a set of heels. after 5 minute the guy opened the door and zipped his pants and headed for the exit. Curious I open the door there was a older lady and older gent on his knees pants unzipped his hand on his cock his tongue licking her labia. She waved for me to come in, and closed the door behind me. Lowered my hand touch her clit it was hard and pussy wet. Her husband u… 阅读更多内容
Lounging by the pool
Lounging by the pool Summer of 95 we had just installed a in ground pool in the spring. It was a hot summer day and had taken Friday off to lay out by the pool with the wife. The property we had was surround by 8' trees next door neighbor the one house was 200 yd away he had pasted away the year before and the other neighbor 1/2 mile down the rd separated by a tree line we had a 4' chain link fence surround the pool and a road out front there was a 6' wire fence with cars driving by. I suggested to the wife we take and drink our coffee out by the pool.. She said she was going to get her… 阅读更多内容
Visit to ABS
In the early 90’s I use to drive pass an ABS on the way to work. I was early and had an hour to burn. Feeling horny I stopped in figured I could watch a video and jack a load before work, as I entered it was dark let my eyes adjust to the darkness. Looked over the video selection, found an empty booth in the back, opened the door and closed it they had a hook on door, I left it unhooked watch a gay uncut video. I unzipped my jeans and opened the top pulled my cock out. A tall guy opened the door asked if it was okay to come in, I motioned him to come in. (I'm 6'2" and he was 6'6") I was jac… 阅读更多内容
Hot Saturday Afternoon
It was a hot Saturday afternoon I was helping Jeanette's dad finish up a stall for her jumper pony. Karl said "you want a beer?" "Sure!" I replied. He sent Jeanette up to the house for some beers. We had a couple more boards to stack up, and we would be done. Jeanette returned with some ice cold beers handed her dad one and me one. Drank it down fast as did Karl. (Knowing Karl he would have a second and have a good buzz on then head up to the house) Stacked the one side Jeanette started handing me the boards I started to slide them in place. Karl started his second beer handed me another. D… 阅读更多内容
Meeting a jackoff buddy online Part2
Dave sent me a email wanted to know if Saturday was still on if we could hook up at noon I replied yeah I could get out of work and meet up with him. I was running couple minutes late Dave was in the lobby. He followed me up to the room. Put the don't disturbed sign on the door and locked so the maids would venture in. Told Dave "I have to get a shower!" Dave replied "Mine if I join you?" "Sure thing! I never shower with a guy either!" Turned the shower on and went back in the room to strip down Dave was already naked. He grabbed as I was walking by and began to kiss me I grabbed his cock… 阅读更多内容
First visit to a Adult Theater
I was 21 and stopped at Berlin News Agency, Berlin, NJ Looked at the magazine selection found a swinger magazine, opened it was looking thru it. It was the first time I seen several guys and gals with shaved cocks and pussy's. My cock got hard and the bulge was protruding out to the side of my jeans. I looked around there was another guy down the end of the rack looking at magazines. I didn't want him to see my cock. I had seen a video booth section it was dark inside. (Never been inside one figured it was a good place to hide until my dick went down or so I though!") I entered the hall ins… 阅读更多内容