Too my dog Lily to the vet after she jumped on my bed and fell backwards. She has muscle wasting in her back legs already so her legs are weak. She tore her ACL. Needs surgery. Going to cost at least $1200 and that is the cheapest. If I take her to a big city, it would cost 3-4K at least. If anyone wants to donate, plz click on the link. Thank you everyone for at least reading this. I dont want to post her pic here bc of possible rules with this kind of site. If you dont want to donate, maybe share my story and post it on social media. That would be greatly appreciated.… 阅读更多内容
Weird Year!
Im back! Its been a weird year for sure. Needed to do some work on me for a while but glad to be back. Missed everyone!… 阅读更多内容
Happy Weekend!
WOW! What a fucked up week! Looking forward to going out tonite! Need to get good and fucked up.. whos gonna be the proud owner of this filthy woman? LOL Not my quote.. but hey, gotta get a good laugh anyway lol. Seems the older I get, the more vile people I date.. yikes lol. Its ok though, he got what he wanted, a free flight to another state, a roof over his head, food in his belly and hot showers. Then come to find out he had money.. classic act asshole! Of course this tight pussy too.. he gets off and then rolls over and says your gonna wait.. I dont think so. He said yes you are. Then my… 阅读更多内容
Yay Friday!
Had a bad day yesterday like we all do at times. Thank you everyone for your support and not so kind words from others... some people are just ugly. But hey, thats what makes the world go round right? Right. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!… 阅读更多内容
Latest & Greatest
Hey my gorgeous FANS! Hope everyone is having a great HUMP day! Great to see 3,500 subscribers to my page, INCREDIBLE! Still waiting for spring up here in WI.. hope your enjoying my content. Have a great week my sexy babes! for 30+ vids and pics for only $14.99 a month!… 阅读更多内容
As of Late
Had surgery 2 weeks ago, healing up nicely. Thank you everyone for all your kind words and seeing how I am doing. I have been MIA and Im sorry for that. If you like my content, you might want to sub to my website which is only $14.99 a month. You will have complete access to all my vids and you will get random pics in your private message area personally from me! You can also chat with me as well. Price is 50% what I normally charge so get in while you can at this price! Let me know how your weekend went!… 阅读更多内容
Hello my lovely fans! Sitting here on this Friday, wonderful weather finally! 60 degrees yesterday. Getting out the winter funk. I hope all of you are happy today!! Thank you for all your kind words and support. Hugs!… 阅读更多内容