Waiting for some good fuckers :)

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发表者 Darkroom88 5 年 前

SKLAVE nerv mich nicht - Dominante PISS ATTACKE

Gehörst du auch zu den devoten Wichsern, die sich gegenüber ihrer Herrin nicht zu benehmen wissen sobald sie geil sind? Siehst du nicht, dass sich deine Herrin gerade schminkt? Warum beobachtest du mich so notgeil? Starr deine Herrin gefälligst nicht so an! SKLAVE du nervst!!! Hast du deiner Herrin gerade unter den Rock geschaut?? Hast du gefunden was du gesucht hast?? Ja, du hast richtig gesehen, der Anal Plug ist schwarz, passend zum Outfit deiner Herrin. Aber das einzige was dir jetzt nur hilft ist eine richtig heftige Natursekt Dusche! Damit hast du jetzt wohl nicht gerechnet was? Na we… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Lara_CumKitten 3 年 前 1


Wer liebt denn auch die 69 Stellung? ;)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Blase-Hase69 3 年 前 36

Beach encounters

Living a secret crossdresser life has its difficulties obviously as you cant be open about it. Yet again, I try to live my sexuality as much as I can even when I am dressed and acting normal in my daily life. Naturism, solo masturbation, watching porn are all things one can experience to be in touch with the sensual side of life. Last Summer, I decided to visit for the first time Qarraba Bay, a secluded, beach in the north part of Malta. It is known as the only unofficial nudist beach, on an island where such act is not allowed. That very reason made it all more exciting. I headed there early… 阅读更多内容

发表者 secretlifemalta 4 年 前 5

Test Results

So... it seems like the famous "bdsmtest" it's really a trend around here. So I took it, and I'm not afraid to show my results. Vanilla = 78% Non Monogamist = 59 % Experimentalist = 51% Voyeur = 45 % Exhibitionist = 37% Switch = 35 % Ageplayer = 34% Mistress = 18 % Primal Hunter = 10 & ------------------------------ All the Rest is below 5% or 0% .. I guess I still have a romantic soul, hidden somewhere… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ArthemideX 6 年 前 6

Flag Changing

Yeah I know, I was dumb enough to start my profile with my "nationality flag" ..(The Swiss one). My bad, ofc But , since I live and work in Malta (it's been two years right now), and I see my home land just during Xmas holiday, I tought my geograpich position should be more accurate. Tnx for reading ... Anyway, Malta is quite a good place if you love sea and beach holydays (not my case, I hate beaches), an appropriate picture can be "refreshing" (It's not Malta, btw)… 阅读更多内容

发表者 ArthemideX 6 年 前 13