A dream I had…… So there I was, on a flight to bonnie old Scotland to meet someone who had been talking to and agreed to meet. I had only seen pictures of this woman who is older than me so I didn’t know what to expect. I get to arrivals, and I hear my name called and I am greeted by her and I instantly recognise her by the pictures and the amazing cleavage that I recognise all too well! So off we go to her car and she has her hand touching my leg and every now and then, she is brushing her hand against my cock which is getting harder and harder and she knows exactly what she’s doing with he… 阅读更多内容
Andrea…..years later
So, this was an occasion where I hadn’t seen Andrea in some time. Life took us in different directions, and we grew apart, so it was a surprise that we reconnected some years later and agreed to meet up for a catch up. So, we met up in another northern city surrounded by the M60. I arrived first and I was apprehensive on seeing her but as soon as I caught a glimpse, it was as if we never parted. She leapt at me and kissed me passionately in front of the passers-by, which we took no notice of. So, in a taxi we go to a hotel that she had booked and instead of waiting patiently with our seat be… 阅读更多内容
Northern Adventure part 2
So as I left off from part one, I’d just finished fucking Andrea from Yorkshire and was getting my breath back, when all of a sudden she says “round 2”. Now, cum was still oozing from the tip off my cock and I tried to tell her that I needed to freshen up, but this lady was having none of it and started to lick the tip of my cock while gazing at me with those brown eyes! I was in a trance and couldn’t move! I was having my cock sucked right after climaxing and my whole tingled in a fashion I have never experienced before and she had some power over me which, and I’m not going to lie, was heave… 阅读更多内容
Northern adventure
This was at a time where I was questioning a relationship I was in and I got talking to a woman on one of those FB apps where you give a singles word opinion on what you see. Anyway, after a couple of weeks of talking to Andrea (changing her name out of respect) we decided that it was time to meet. So off to a well known city in Yorkshire I drive and eventually arrive at this house where I am warmly greeted by Andrea and she invites me in. After some pleasantries of a coffee and small talk, I’m standing by her kitchen counter and she walks over to me and deliberately shuffles past me with he… 阅读更多内容