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New deal with wife for more masturbation time
Why I didn't try this before is baffling. Those who know us well, know my wife has always been extremely encouraging when it comes to my pornsexual solosexual lifestyle. She's a down right masturbation enabler. There have been days my pathetic addiction has consumed more time than any ones schedule could comfortably afford. Being the sexual extravagant she is, its never been a major issue, however once in a while I've had to beg, bargain and grovel to gain a few added precious hours. Now we have a wonderful new agreement. I pay her (bribe her) for each hour of blissful pornsexual gooner bate t… 阅读更多内容
BATOR life
First, I appreciate you posting my note. Second, I'm so glad you will continue to post. Masturbation is a very special activity, to be a chronic addicted masturbator is beyond words. Knowing there are others, and there are many, who are chronically addicted, assures me I am far from alone in my masturbation world. To masturbate watching other guys masturbating keeps the circle going so to speak. As you say, masturbate, masturbate, masturbate, masturbate, never stop. you got it 100% right, masturbator! take pride in being chronically addicted to masturbation. like you, watching other grown adul… 阅读更多内容
LET’S KEEP SPREADING PORN AND THE PORNSEXUAL LIFESTYLE: PORN is our top priority Nothing feels better than endless masturbation to PORN We dream about PORN instead of real girls Serving as a PORN slave makes us happy PORN is so much more than we ever thought PORN is so much more powerful than us We’re madly in love with our PORN addiction Sex will never feel as good as PORN does We can’t resist the higher power of PORN We don’t need a girlfriend, a wife or a lover. PORN is our life now We don’t need to worry about our PORN addiction. PORN is endless PORN is always there for us. Why… 阅读更多内容
I’m a proud member of Goddess Angela Whites NoNutNovember. This means only jerking, gooning, edging, leaking until the first of December. I worship the Goddess every day by stroking to her Porn and to the messages she send out to her Gooners every day. The first days was easy not to cum, but since yesterday its getting harder and harder. My GoonStick leak so much PreCum, it’s unbelievable. I use the PreCum as Lube, and lick the rest from my Hand. I will obey Goddess Angela, and when i fail, i will pay a CumTax to Goddess Angela. [image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]470120446[/im… 阅读更多内容
porn worship
more and more masturbation has become an act of sacred meditation and worship of pornography. I find myself wanting to deepen my porn addiction so i can worship more fully. I crave a church of porn where i can worship porn with other gooners. I just want a life were i can worship porn and masturbate, I don't want other relationships. I love sharing my little penis on cam so others can tease and jo with me. I enjoy when women tell me i am doing right thing by keeping my little penis out of gene pool. soon i want to enhance my porn shrine for better worship. i love sex toys like fake pussy and p… 阅读更多内容
Pussy-free or Not?
So after 4 years since my last relationship that ended in a divorce. I have found my self not caring about getting any pussy for the pass 4 years and have just been edging way more then I normally did witch was all ready a lot back 5 years ago. My life has been more pleasant with out worrying about getting laid and more about edging. It dose not bother me one bit and I can care less about it. Now how do you feel about living a pussy free life? Is it for you? Have you all ready been living a pussy free life? How has it been and how long has it been. Or? I'm i crazy for even going this long with… 阅读更多内容
Sunday Cum Roulette
Thinking about setting up a slideshow of random images to jerk off to tonight and playing a little game... Jerk until I cum, and whomever makes me cum is the only one I can cum to until next Sunday… 阅读更多内容
I was asked the other day if I'm still beating my beta dick and masturbating as much as I was a year ago... more... Goddess Porn completely owns me now. I am paying more for Porn and Findoms. I am spending more time jerking off - staying edged and denied because it keeps me desperate for more Porn. I found that if I cum, I lose the tension that keeps me loving Porn and abusing myself for hours. I can't have's disrespectful to Porn. I am deliberately stroking to women but edging to cock so that I further fuck up my sexuality. I have bought a set of wank panties and bras that I spe… 阅读更多内容
Descent Into Porn & Masturbation - Part 2
Introduction Welcome back to my personal exploration in my journey into P&M (Porn & Masturbation). By 18 I was committed to masturbation, craving harder porn and had the means to get it. Over this period, I was in normal sexual relationships with girlfriends, but porn and wanking were still a growing part of my own self pleasure. In this part I will discuss how I delved cock first into hardcore pornography from magazines through to the internet. A long the way my masturbation habits changed with new fantasies developing, some strengthening and the discovery of new wanking expe… 阅读更多内容
100 Tage Wichskalender
Morgen beginnt mein 100tägiger Wichskalender. Alle die mitmachen erhalten jeden Tag eine kleine Wichsaufgabe. Daraus werde ich später vielleicht auch noch ein Buch zusammenstellen und veröffentlichen ;) Wer noch mitmachen mag: Anschreiben auf meiner Webseite: Freue mich schon, Euch zum Spritzen zu bringen und mir davon auch Beweisfotos senden zu lassen ;) Der September, Oktober und November wird sehr spritzreich für Euch. Liebe Küsse Kathy… 阅读更多内容
Addicted to Goon Goddess Angela White
I’ve always watched Angela White Porn, but since the Goddess tweeted her Gooner Tweet I’m completely addicted to her. I’ll worship Goddess Angela whenever i can. GOON, EDGE, PUMP, PAY I’m a part of Goddesses Gooner Cult, and i love it. I love to be pornosexual and stay pussyfree in my 10th year, for Porn and specially for Goddess Angela. Handpussy is the best Goddess Angela triggerd me so much, worship her helped me to stay pussyfree. All i… 阅读更多内容
Later wanks
Follow on from early wank post. On a trip to favorite newsagent with plenty of wank mags I noticed some new mags with really horny covers. Swank mag caught my attention and fuck it was better cover than the rustler/raider mags I was used to. When I got home the girls were full on big tit porn babes and much better than the spread pussy UK mags I was used to I started buying Swank all the time The covers were so fucking good and buying then left nothing to th… 阅读更多内容
Favorite butthole
If you had the opportunity to tongue-fuck ONE porn star's asshole, who would you choose? Mine would undoubtedly be Sheena Shaw. Please post a picture of your choice!… 阅读更多内容
Jerk off guide
Most men masturbate for 5 to 10 minutes before ejaculation. This is disgraceful and tragic! If you are a beginner you can learn to be a proficient Bator quite quickly! If men has even a tiny idea of the enthralling, ecstatic, electric, full-body bliss that is their birthright they would become dedicated to Penis Love. IT IS A PARADOX THAT BY SEEMINGLY LOSING YOURSELF AND YOUR WILL YOU REALLY BECOME FREE AND WHOLE! Good news is the Path is a smooth and easy one! Once you become a Hopeless, Lost, Chronic, Addicted, Compulsive, Cock-babbling, Penis-stupid, Masturbating Gooner your Life will… 阅读更多内容
You’re addicted to masturbation. It’s ok! In fact, it’s more than ok; it’s hot! Be happy you’re addicted, let yourself be turned on by your own addiction. Seek out other addicts for further positive reinforcement. Once you start getting aroused by the simple fact that you’re addicted to pleasuring your own penis, then it’s a constant loop of getting more addicted. The more your addiction arouses you, the more addicted you become, and so you are aroused even more, and so on for the rest of your life. That’s nirvana my fellow bators ❤ fuck real life fuck my family fuck my friend’s I don’… 阅读更多内容
Pornist Life 1: How to Organize your Collection?
Every pornosexual has to deal with the issue of how to organize one's collection. There was a discussion on this the other day on Discord, and it led me to an important realization. The question was basically: how do you organize your porn, by goddess or by category? Pornobator does it by Goddess. You can see for yourself, since he's blogged before about his collection: It's worth a read, as you can see it's a simple but perfect method. Anytime he's in the mood to worship a goddess no matter how many hundreds are in the list, he can just go down alphab… 阅读更多内容
Have y'all seen this chick Brianna Bell!!??
Holy Shit!! This Girl's body is unreal! Look at that ASS! Brianna Bell Instagram Twitter Onlyfans *Updated* 11/14/21 - Here's a new one since all the others got deleted. -R1… 阅读更多内容
New Summer NXT x Japan SkinTech TPE
Introducing Summer NXT™ x Japan SkinTech™ TPE First Sili Doll ® Made with Japan TPE for Breathtaking Realism For Pre-Orders and More Info: Mig and Sili Doll ® SkinTech™ Japan TPE The Real Best… 阅读更多内容
A history of my solid sex toys
When I stopped being a student and started working, I had a lot more of something useful: money. I could buy sextoys more sophisticated than 'simple' blow-up dolls. I started with basic cock sleeves, cheap Fleshlight knock-offs and various small masturbators. They were all fun, but nothing to write home about. Except for the Bocca Della Verita, a mouth with a tongue and teeth that is awesome at mimicking a blowjob, and the Futanari Musume, a dickgirl masturbator with a cock that wobbles as you fuck it. Maybe I'll post a rev… 阅读更多内容
No Fleshlight until December
It’s time for a change in my pornosexual life. From February until December i will only fuck my hand. NO FLESHLIGHT, NO OTHER PLASTIC PUSSY ONLY MY HAND Sure i will miss my Fleshlights, especially those of Goddess Angela White. But i will touch and look at the fleshlights and use them as a Trigger. I hope that I complete the challenge well.… 阅读更多内容
Goddess has spoken
I’ve known that Goddess Angela White had a Tattoo on her neck. Today I’ve found a pic where i could see it.The Tattoo said LOVE SUCKS I’ll posted the pic on my Twitter Account. Later when i saw the reactions, i saw that the Porngoddess Angela White herself answered And YES the Goddess is so right PORN WILL NEVER BREAK YOUR HEART Thank‘s to all the Porngoddesses for keeping me addicted,an especially thank‘s to GonnerQueen Angela PORN IS… 阅读更多内容
You guys are so great.
There's a few reasons why I make these fap videos. The first one is that a few years ago. I decided to look into multiple porn sites to see if I could find a kind of video I wish existed. I was looking for videos of people fapping to hentai. But not just fapping to hentai, I wanted it to be very similar to those "Let's Play" videos on youtube, but with hentai instead of video games. I did end up finding videos kinda similar to that, but I still couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. I was bummed I couldn't really find the kind of videos I wanted. But that's when I realized. I realized… 阅读更多内容