gangbang cum eater

i love to find a woman in a gangbang and i can eat all the cum off and out her mmmm. its looks like fun to me… 阅读更多内容

发表者 paully44420 4 年 前 6

Learnng to eat Cum

If you are straight and curious about tasting and eating cum, but just can't get started fuck your wife and then immediately go down on her. Or you can pull out, shoot some cum on her body and dive in to lick some while you are still in the throws of orgasm. She'll love you for it and it will get you on your way to a new adventure either with her as a new fun thing to do or as a start to your bi curiosity. Another method is the cum kiss or snowball after she blows you. Let her share your cum with you. [vid… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CumFetishFag 4 年 前 19

Wanker Magazine

Today 'Wanker' magazine launched. A publication for wankers by wankers at the hard edge of P&M. Inside articles will cover what real bators want - encouraging them to sink deep into their perverted habits, share hot session stories, and provide stimulation when you are not sat in front of your multi-screens of filth. Who would subscribe?… 阅读更多内容

发表者 bimbo_goon 4 年 前 19

Alles in Dein Maul

Und da ich eben schon meinen Fetisch aufgeschrieben habe. Ich habe noch einen. Fiel mir vorhin auf der Toilette wieder ein. Ich würde gerne mal wieder in den Mund eines Mannes urinieren. Erst leckt er mich und penetriert mit seiner Zunge mein Loch und meinen Kitzler und dann drücke ich all meinen Saft in seinen Mund. Ich throne über ihn und lasse einfach los. Ich erleichtere mich und vergeile mich. Es macht mich nämlich an. Das Intimste von mir nimmt jemand anderes auf. Soooo herrlich versaut. Wollte ich vorhin erleben, will ich gerade jetzt erleben und wenn ich gleich auf Toilette gehe, werde… 阅读更多内容

发表者 PaarausLG 4 年 前 12

Wanking at work

So last week in the office, I was on my own.. it was quiet and I was bored shitless. We moved office a few months ago and a thought popped into my head. I hadn't wanked in the new premises. I had wanked at every other place of employment so thought fuck it. Unzipped and started to bash away. I was stroking away for a good 45 mins before I shot my load all over my desk. As I said I have wanked at every place of work and an article that I read in the daily sport many years agosprings to was "1 in 3 men wank at work". I was wondering how many of you, both men and women have enjoyed a b… 阅读更多内容

发表者 harryboy224 7 年 前 16

This next Fap Video got me too horny...

First of all, no, this isn't about me cumming prematurely during the recording of this next video. If that is what you were hopping for, then check my other videos, pretty sure there are at least two video where I either: - Nut too fast, keep going, then nut again in the end. - Nut too fast, have to start from the beginning again, then nut at the right time the second time. If that is what you were looking for then I'm sorry. This is not what happened during me making this video. In fact, It didn't happen while I was recording this video. It happened when I was editing it. You know how I li… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Shadnic2 5 年 前

No Choice

When a woman rides your cock to an earth shattering orgasm and you unload your cum into her hot wet stretched pussy and she immediately climbs over you to ride your face, you do it and you lick that cum right back out of her pussy. It is your duty. This is how I learned to eat cum. Never looked back.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 CumFetishFag 5 年 前 10

Mein Beitrag für die Helden

Egal, ob Corona nun so schlimm ist oder es eine einfache Grippe ist, die erstmalig differenziert in einer Sparte ausgerechnet wird: Es gibt auf jeden Fall Menschen, die sich dem Virus entgegenstellen. Das sind die Verkäufer der Supermärkte und die Krankenpfleger, Rettungswagenfahrer und Polizisten. Ich werde jedem dieser Männer auf meiner Webseite meine Flatrate als Dankeschön für ein gesamtes Jahr schenken. Ihr habt dann sehr viel Kathy für den Feierabend und könnt runterkommen. Schreibt mir auf und beweist mir irgendwie, dass ihr als eben diese Berufsgruppen für uns da se… 阅读更多内容

发表者 PaarausLG 5 年 前 6

Semen - My Love Story

I am in love with my semen. That's the simplest way to put it. When I begin to get horny, I start craving my semen. When I look down at my hard, erect penis, I think about what's contained inside, the semen forming in my balls, just waiting for me to savor it. To me, my semen is the most precious thing. It is to be savored, enjoyed, and ultimately, swallowed. Not a drop of semen should ever be wasted. The sexual thrill and excitement of putting my own semen into my mouth, swishing it around, tasting it, and then swallowing it, that sexual thrill is the one thing I live for. I cannot get eno… 阅读更多内容

发表者 alwayscummin79 8 年 前 6

Cum Play

Early in my sex life I discovered cum play. Being very oral, it seemed the next logical step and the first time I was laying next to my GF after having made love to her I was kissing her neck and then moving down her body to her small breasts topped with long erect nipples. Sucking them and gently nipping on them brought her to a new level of excitement. I continued down her body dipping my tongue into her naval and moving further down her belly past to fringe of pube hair. I could smell her excitement but also smelled a new fragrance. I moved to her labia and saw that my cum was oozing from h… 阅读更多内容

发表者 phillymark1 5 年 前 87

Videos I Desperately Want to See

This is a list of videos that, if they exist somewhere, I would absolutely love to see. If you know of them, please, please share a link. Or if you would like to comment and add crazy ideas that you'd like to see, I'd love to hear all about them. 1) Funnel Cock: This is a video of a woman inserting a small funnel into one cock and jerking another cock until it cums into the funnel. I'm thinking the woman would then insert her pinky into the cock (to keep the cum from oozing out) and jerk the cock until it's ready to cum. She would catch both loads in her hand and force the guy to eat the cum… 阅读更多内容

发表者 MSpoon 5 年 前 5

Anale Sehnsucht

Heute möchte ich meinem Poloch mal einen Text widmen. Würde gerne mal wieder eine Zunge daran spüren. Eine, die, die kleinen Fältchen massiert und sich dann ganz langsam reindrückt. Die mich dehnt und mein anderes Loch zum fließen bringt. Ja, das hätte ich heute gerne. Am besten hocke ich mich hin, Du ziehst meinen Hintern auseinander und Du gehst dazwischen. Und wenn ich ganz entspannt bin, mein Arschloch sich von alleine öffnet: Ficke bitte hinein!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 PaarausLG 5 年 前 9

Porn Matters - Chasing The Perfect Load

WARNING: If you are offended by images of cocks, you are going to be offended by images of cocks in this blog. Then again, if you are offended by images of cock maybe you shouldn’t be watching porn at all (or just stick to Girl/Girl – yawn, snooze, zzzzzzzzzzzzz!). Anyway, moving on… For most REAL men (surely ALL REAL men) the perfect night in consists of: A. House to oneself B. Ensconced in his dimly lit man cave / bate den / wank room / jizz hut C. Naked D. Legs spread E. Rock hard cock in hand F. Surrounded by sleazy, perverted, fucked-up porn – strictly no vanilla allowed and… 阅读更多内容

发表者 jackoffxxx 8 年 前 59

PORN is so important!

Could you imagine a life without PORN???? Me neither! PORN is giving so much to me! Satisfaction, Joy, Relaxation...! Love! And PORN can be so beautiful! PORN minimizes stress, drives you into the world of endless pleasure and opens the door to your most intimate desires! PORN lightens up your life! From the very first contact with PORN when I was a little boy I was fascinated and sure that PORN will help me to get ahead. And I was right! PORN accompanied m… 阅读更多内容

发表者 stadtwixxer 7 年 前 33

I need to be more addicted

I have been a compulsive masturbator since I was 7, addicted to porn since I was 13. I crave it even as I am watching it. Porn is the source of all pleasure and happiness. I worship it with every fiber of my being. I am miserable when my hand is not sliding up and down my cock, with porn feeding into my brain. I love having no control over it, the risks it pushes me to take to feed my addiction. I love porn more than I love my wife and family. My wife can never compete with porn, and my family can never bring me the happiness that porn does. I need to be more addicted though.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 live2masturbate 9 年 前 19

PORN - It's an addiction (with animated pics)

此帖仅对 PorYes 的好友可见
发表者 PorYes 9 年 前

Picking Porn Over Sleep

I am now on my second sleepless night in four days devoted to edging my beta cocklette and deny my worthless balls. My record in three sleepless nights stroking in four days. The exhaustion is wonderful, but it is the despair and depression that is the best. Knowing how tired you are, becoming almost physically ill...and then forcing yourself to stroke anyway - the deliberate choosing of Porn and self-abused over self-care is so delicious. The key is getting in, and staying in, the Goon or Bate Zone...where your cock takes over, where it is constantly edged, where the hours slide by. Let th… 阅读更多内容

发表者 MOSPA 5 年 前 36

Porn Addiction

Where do I begin? Is it the way the whores open their holes for all to see? Is it the orgasmic screams and cries they produce while being pounded? Is it the throatfucking they take while looking directly at the camera? The way they gape? The answer is yes to all those things. Let's rewind though. I love the fact that so many porn lovers started off the same way through finding their parents porn stash or desperately watching porn on scrambled cable channels. I'm sure most of us got hard from a woman wearing lingerie and it would be the greatest thing ever. Or so we thought. When that got o… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Paulo324 9 年 前 9

The path to Porn Addiction....

I have made a post of my own journey but really enjoy reading other peoples stories as it was that which made me want to type up my own. Having read a fair few now I thought it would be a good thing to put up a post with some of the better ones I've seen and hopefully encourage others to write and link their own to the post. Both posts about our beginnings into porn as well as those delving deep into porn addiction will be listed. (mine) - ignatiusrocket - snooze… 阅读更多内容

发表者 thebuttboi 7 年 前 27

What is it about "CEI"?

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发表者 addictjoi 9 年 前

How to get the nerve to eat your own cum

We all know that once you bust that warm, creamy, thick, sweet yet salty jizz, we all lose the nerve to go through with eating it........sometimes :). So here's what you do.....first, you will sacrifice a load and save it for later! 1. Stroke and edge....for a very long time....until you can't take it anymore, then shoot that huge saved up load in an icecube tray, or shot glass. Make sure to hide it well if you live with someone! 2. Place that delicious load in the freezer until you are ready. Make sure to hide it well if you live with someone! 3.Feel free to sacrifice a few loads… 阅读更多内容

发表者 mrmojorisin69 10 年 前 129

The Masturbation Club

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发表者 ConstantlyCraving 7 年 前

My awesome jerk off session in the library... look

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发表者 JerkToThat 8 年 前

Shameless beach pumping!

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发表者 JerkToThat 7 年 前

Goon Thoughts 01

Well this is the first "goon thoughts" and hopefully the first of many. The jist is to chronicle my porn habits, Having spent years enjoying others porn diaries, fantasies and perversions I thought it best to give back to the porn community. I hope you enjoy and find inspiration. Goon Thoughts 01 - The Wedding After seeing many porn captions declaring our love to porn and ultimately our own individual marriage to porn, the first goon thoughts session revolves around marring Porn: the Whorebride. Wedding Bells Ga… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Whore_Maker 5 年 前 8

My first Porn Love

My first Pornstar Love was the sexy beautiful talented Bobbi Starr. I was and still been addicted to her. You will never forget your first Porngoddess.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 GermanGooner 5 年 前 8

Gooner Queen! What a Goodbye to Porn 2019

Happy New Year, everyone! What a way to end the year it has been, really! I'm sure by now pornosexuals everywhere are well aware of Goddess Angela White's christening as "Gooner Queen" last week. Like many others, I was amazed and pretty much blown away by her tweet on Christmas Eve, when she advertised a new scene by addressing "chronic bators" and promising to make them "take their gooning to the next level." It looks like people are still seeing the tweet, and it has 11.3k likes as of now!阅读更多内容

发表者 cumr 5 年 前 16

Destroy Dick December!

I wrote another long post last Sunday but unfortunately most of it disappeared after submitting! It was really upsetting since it was great, and you guys would've loved it. I've seen others complain about such problems on XRMXX, but now I've learned my lesson. It happened all over again today, but I've figured out the glitch (emojis, I think!). Make sure to always have a separate backup! Anyways, I still want to recap some of it since it was a great pornosexual moment. [image class="align-center size-medium"][/im阅读更多内容

发表者 cumr 5 年 前 11

The pics I fapped to the most his year.

I decided not to make an end-of-the-year top 30 favorite hentai pictures, and the reason is that, honestly, the top remains pretty much the same. The pictures in that top are still my favorites. Therefore, I decided to make something a little different to celebrate the new year: There are the pictures I cummed to the most in 2019. [image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]291143195[/i… 阅读更多内容

发表者 Shadnic2 5 年 前