As you know, princesses do love to be spoiled. You might say it's our one vice. But if you're like a lot of people in this economy, you might be worried about keeping (or getting) that special princess in your life. So I've written the following to show you that anyone can afford to keep a princess in the lifestyle she expects. Love is cheap. Don't be stingy with it. Smiles are free, don't hoard them. Give your kisses away, the ones you get in return will be worth infinitely more than any you could buy. "Tripe!" you say. "Nothing but romantic drivel! Princesses are materialistic!… 阅读更多内容
The reasons why I'm better than your wife
When you're out with your wife, she's constantly looking around to see if other men are looking at her. My eyes are always fixed on you. Your wife calls you her "significant other." I call you Daddy. Your wife needs "alone time." All I need is you. A kiss from your wife is like ice cubes on your lips. A kiss from me tastes like raspberries and magic. Your wife steals the covers. I use you to keep me warm. Your wife says, "Not tonight." I say, "Just once more? Please?." Your wife sees sex with you as a chore. I see sex with you as an honor. Your wife shoots down eve… 阅读更多内容