Konnichiwa, Minnasan! A lot of people have been saying to me "Amy-chan, you have a great arse!" So I told them "eheheheheh! Thank you everyone!" and I squirted for them. It was amazing! I wish you could all feel my big, muscular arse. *squirts*… 阅读更多内容
Something amazing happened to me
Hi guys! Something really amazing happened to me today! I somehow managed to grow wings! Now I can soar through the skies and squirt hard like there's no tomorrow! Yay! Oh, and grow my clit so long it goes up my ass. Hee hee!… 阅读更多内容
Hey Guys
I just got back from masturbating and squirting in a field. Nobody saw me or heard me. It was really empty, and that stuff turns me on. You should have seen me stroke my clit and squirt everywhere! I wish you guys where there to see me. Nyan! *squirts* :3… 阅读更多内容
Just found out something
Hey guys, I just thought I'd let you know something. Aside from being the best squirter there is, I'm also known for having the biggest muscles ever. And I'm also the only nude citizen where I live, so I can squirt and flex forever, as well as wiggle my clit around. Notice I'm squirting as I'm typing this. What do you think, nyan?… 阅读更多内容
So guys
What are you doing for Valentine's Day? I'm gonna go out completely naked and flex my muscles and squirt everywhere. I'll even draw a heart with my squirt juice! I love you all, my little sexies! xxx <3 <3 <3… 阅读更多内容
So, what are your new year's resolutions?
I'm planning on being just as sexy as I was last year. And with my k** coming into my life, I'm gonna have so much fun with him/her! See you all in 2014!… 阅读更多内容
What is everyone getting for Christmas?
I hope to get a Dildomaster 9,000,000. It's a big ass dildo-vibrator hybrid in one that makes me orgasm 1000 times violently than normal! I heard it covers the whole solar system in pussy juice! It's perfect! I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, minnasan! Ja ne! Fufu!… 阅读更多内容
Why I squirt
So you're all wondering why I squirt so much? Well, I've been squirting since I was nine years old to tell you the truth. I was doing some nude workouts in my room, when I discovered that my vagina was open. So I placed it on a chair leg and made it go in and out, until I squirted pussy juice. I thought it was really fun, so I practised it until I knew how to squirt like a champion! And because I squirt so much, my clit grew bigger over time! In this day and age, I can control my squirting. I turn it on and off like a hose, or shower, or anything that utilizes water. I can squirt even without… 阅读更多内容
My muscles
You know something, I've got the best muscles ever. When I flex, they grow so big, they take up most of my house. When they grow, my clit grows. When my clit grows, I squirt very hard. Once my ass grew big, and I squirted everywhere! I was laughing so hard I thought I would explode, but luckily I didn't! I just love being naked and flexing my muscles, as well as squirting to my heart's content!… 阅读更多内容
Nude on the beach
Hello everyone! I've just been to Hawaii and I took a nude picture of myself. No one noticed. I masturbated furiously on the beach and squirted everywhere! It was so fun!… 阅读更多内容
Guess what
Good news everyone! My Birthday is next Monday! I hope you've got some presents for me!… 阅读更多内容