Jeunes Explorations (2eme partie)

Le lendemain matin quand Helen monta dans le bus, elle dit Bonjour comme tous les matins. En réponse je dis: « maintenant, c'est a toi". Elle me regardait, confuse et je l’explique que maintenant qu'elle a vu et touché mon cock, il n'est que juste que je vois et touche son minou. Elle dit que c'est impossible, pas dans le bus. Elle est à l'école stricte de couvent et son uniforme va jusqu'à en deçà des genoux. Puis, elle suggère quelque chose. « Je peux couper ma poche pour toi ». Il m'a fallu quelques secondes pour comprendre comment c'est d'aucune utilité pour moi. Sans réponse, j'ai pêché… 阅读更多内容

发表者 KeiranX 13 年 前

Young Explorations (Part 2)

The next morning when Helen got on the bus, she said hello as every morning. In reply I just said: “now it’s your turn”. You looked at me questioningly and I explained that now that she has seen and touched my cock, it’s only fair that I see and touch her pussy. She said it’s impossible, not in the bus. She went to a strict convent school and her uniform went down to well below her knees. Then she suggested something. “I can cut my pocket for you.” It took me a few seconds to understand how that is of any use to me. Without replying, I fished a pair of small scissors from my bag. She said “n… 阅读更多内容

发表者 KeiranX 13 年 前

Young Explorations (Part 1)

I'm not into u******e sex but this is a true story of my first proper sexual experience. I was 14 and so was she. I was at a mixed school but she (let’s call her Helen) was not from my school. Both our parents worked for the same company and we travelled by the same bus provided specially by the company. We always sat at the same places, with the elder students at the back and the young ones like us at the front. And she sat beside me. We talked about everything n anything, but after a few weeks, the subject started to drift to sex. We would talk about crazy (to us) things that happened at our… 阅读更多内容

发表者 KeiranX 13 年 前 2