German & Mature porn are my favourites

I've become a big fan of German porn. I like German porn from the 70s onwards but particularly the current crop of threesomes and 'reality' scenes. Petra Wegat is definitely a favourite. Some other great ladies in German porn on xham that are particular favourites of mine are [in no particular order]: Bea Dumas, Valerie De Winter, Lucy Bell & Debbie Fountain. Happy to hear of other German pornstars that I haven't yet discovered. See below a suggested addition: I keep on searc… 阅读更多内容

发表者 kelwilliams 2 年 前 27

New outlook on my profile

Well, I've been really impressed with the quality of profiles I've found on here lately. The links others have included in their profiles to other profiles and vids has impressed me most. I have tried to make my profile content a little more interesting and stimulating. Certainly, I am aware that my recent exploration of other profiles has lead to me broadening the range and different types of porn added to my favourites as you will see in my growing list of categories included in my favourites. I have also added some content to include specific porn stars such as June Kelly, Danica Collins, C… 阅读更多内容

发表者 kelwilliams 4 年 前 60

Spring is here but I'm self isolating !!

Been reading some great blogs again recently. There are some real quality posts on xham, now I have the time to read them. I enjoy sharing links with a special friend and we keep in regular contact via xham. I have kept on sharing links but with a much smaller circle of friends now which is much more rewarding. I am making some new friends but I am much more choosy when responding to invites. Whilst I believe that variety is the spice of life I am more particular about having quality porn rather than quantity. So, stay safe and keep well everyone. Regards to all, Kel… 阅读更多内容

发表者 kelwilliams 6 年 前 7

Adding to the list of beautiful porn stars

Crystal Swift Heather Lee Dawn Phoenix Fawn Miller Sarah Young… 阅读更多内容

发表者 kelwilliams 7 年 前 29

Fave porn stars

In no particular order Lisa DeLeeuw (my avatar pic) Janet Mason Cadence Luxx Leigh Charles Samantha Wynter Kelley Madison Ebony Ayes Tracey Adams Most BBW porn stars Redheads! I will add to my list.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 kelwilliams 7 年 前 48