Just so you all know, karlah-paolo contacts you first, sends a boiler-plate message, then gets rude when you're not interested. It's because of morons like them that I took a hiatus from this site...… 阅读更多内容
Pawg and milf lovers, keep walking.
Trying to friend me when your handle is something about "pawg"s or "milf"s, or your interests are "pawg" or "milf" centric, then please move on. Your disrespect of women is shining through and I don't need to deal with that. It's very sad when men (and some women) are proud of the fact that they don't get that all women are different, and being attracted to them only because of their age or shape is a fetish or kink, and not something I want to deal with. Nothing happened to prompt this post. Just a random thought process...… 阅读更多内容
Shouldn't they just disappear?
I don't get it... when you have a one night stand with someone, aren't they supposed to disappear afterwards? Like, forever? Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person whose one-night-stands either won't go away or keep popping up after quite some time... Do they not understand the phrase "one and done"? And the creepy thing is, the seem to remember every aspect of our meeting. Every sound, every position... I barely remember their names. And then they are stunned... STUNNED... that I have no interest in seeing them again. Some assume I'm just sitting around waiting for them to text and don… 阅读更多内容
Reviewing a new toy!
I got a thrusting toy from a company to try out, and did a review of it on YouTube. Yes, this is the wild life of an adult fiction author... at least THIS adult fiction author. Enjoy! http://youtu.be/24kfYW2pGvA… 阅读更多内容
Why not? I have almost 3k friends on here... I'm here, sick with the flu, may as well pimp my novel. I as of right now have 10 books and 27 short stories published by various companies. http://amazon.com/KT-Pinto/e/B0075R6MYO My books are the ones with my name on the cover, and are the better choice, in my opinion. The others are collections by various authors, including myself, and many are out of print... There's actually one listed for over $900!!! :O I write adult fiction, rated 18+/R due to savagery/language/sex. There are descriptions on each book page, of course, because it's Amazo… 阅读更多内容
From another site:
Idiot: Hey! I’m about six mins from the outer bridge ? Me: ...and? Idiot: And I’m down to hangout!? Me: Teenage girls 'hangout'. Adult women get taken out on dates by mature men. Idiot: It’s also 2021 and 1950s gender norms have changed drastically. Me: LOL! Someone didn't read my profile at all. Good luck in your search. ***Doesn't he seem like SUCH a catch?***… 阅读更多内容
Being Horny is NOT an Achievement.
When someone you've never (or barely) spoken to before asks how you're doing - on any type of site - saying "I'm horny" like it's some amazing accomplishment makes you sound like an idiot. Especially when you're on a site like this one. This is a friggin' porn site; why the fuck are you still horny? Take care of it! I mean, what do you think is going to happen? That I am going to be sooooooo stunned at the miracle of you being hard, it's going to make me all horny and want to appease your horniness? Again, you're on a friggin' porn site. Take care of it. You announcing that you're horny on… 阅读更多内容
I am not your "baby"...
...your "love", your "darling", your "sweetie", your "honey"... and definitely not your "babe", "milf", "cougar" or "gilf"... and so very much not your "auntie" or "mom". I don't know what compliments are like on your planet, but on this planet, those aren't compliments. Some are being presumptuous, most are just downright rude. Also, I don't want to know, in detail, what vulgar things (and it's vulgar because it's from a complete, and usually butt-ugly, stranger) you dream of doing to me. I don't like being called "thick", I have no interest in exchanging pix, and - I'm pretty sure I menti… 阅读更多内容
Porn is NOT an educational video...
No, really! Porn is not reality. People don't normally a) act that way, b) look that way, or c) talk that way. And you shouldn't (or don't) either. Let me break it down the basics for you: a) Most women have the money to pay the plumber/mechanic/pizza boy, and aren't just waiting around for some random dude to fuck them. b) This is a site full of professional porn stars; most likely you don't look like them the same way I don't look like them. What makes you think I want to see a naked pic of you when I can look at THEM? c) Stop getting your vocabulary from porn. Most women in the real world… 阅读更多内容
i h i s b i i s v s
What was that title? Oh, it was my internet shorthand. Stupid, huh? That's what I think about it. I mean, is it REALLY that difficult to write "How are you?" or "I know, right?". Am I a grammar Nazi? Yes. Am I persnickety? Yes. Do I seem haughty and arrogant and elite? Yep! I'm also a writer and an editor and have this quirky love of words and languages. Do I let some things slide? Sure! LOL isn't a conversational sentence. It's a description of something you're really not doing. Kind of like a literary emoji. For example, if I write *WEG*, I'm really not grinning like a Disney villain.… 阅读更多内容
My Erotica Collection
I figured, since I had almost 1.5K friends on here, so I thought it would be a good time to mention that I have recently had an erotica collection published by cPf Publishing. Here's the link: amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZN2FZ93 Now, if even HALF of my friends here bought a copy, that would be a good day. LOL!… 阅读更多内容
I'll use small words so you understand...
I get asked "Do you like 'X'?" a lot. (X can be 'women', 'young men'. 'trans', 'older men', etc.). I respond "It depends on the X." Which is true, because there are no two Xs that are the same. But, somehow, this answer baffles the fuck out of people! I don't get it; am I using words that are too difficult?… 阅读更多内容
Knowledge is power!
Before trying something new or "taboo", watch a Nina Hartley video on the subject. Although dated in hairstyles, Ms. Hartley provides some really good, and safe, information in a very arousing way... Or, if you want something more modern, you can always watch my videos on youtube. Not as arousing or "hands-on" as Ms. Nina's, but you can still learn a thing or two... I also had my Intimacy Specialist business for the same reason - to answer questions and educate people - but 2020 shut that down, sadly... :(… 阅读更多内容
Let me clarify...
Yes, I said I don't want to see pictures of your dick. This does not mean send me a close up picture of your asshole and the back of your balls. This is not a better angle or body part. Why would this even need to be said? I fear for the future of the male gender.… 阅读更多内容
lovebuddha22 needs a nap
lovebuddha22 wanted to be "friends" until he found out that that friendship doesn't come with benefits. So now that makes me a cunt. Yes, I reported his comments. Yes, I blocked him and he blocked me, but I'm not sure if he unblocks to read what I write and then be nasty. Pretty good for a dude who considers himself a "unicorn". I'm pretty sure I made it clear that I'm here to watch porn and chat with (relatively sane) people. I don't understand why this is so damn difficult.… 阅读更多内容
What the fuck do I want with your cum? You jerking off is not a tribute to me. Seems like many of you would jerk off to paint drying. How is that a tribute? Fifties and hundreds... now that's a tribute!… 阅读更多内容
Not as many as I thought...
Lessee, I have 680 friends as of this posting, but I've only blocked 55 people. See, I'm not as much of a bitch as you all think! ;) (Of course, I've probably only spoken to 200 people in total, so maybe I am a bit bitchy. :D )… 阅读更多内容
Downvoted? No!!!!
Someone downvoted my video! Makes me sad! :( https://youtu.be/z6jhdVEQT1s… 阅读更多内容
New video on my YT channel.
I just posted a new (non-erotic) video today on YT, where I do a quick lesson on lubes. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8D09C04DB6B7F81A Enjoy!… 阅读更多内容
Riddle me this...
Why do people ask "Are you there?" when I don't respond to a message? Do they think I can hear them when they ask? It's so weird... Here's a thought... you'll know I'm there when I respond to you! Simple, yes? Just because the green dot is by my avatar doesn't mean I'm anywhere near my computer. I mean, it's an instant messenger, not an instant responder... :D… 阅读更多内容