My status the other day about being in a naught mood and undressing in front of an open window was noticed by a friend, who wanted to know what happened or what I wanted to happen. ~sigh~ nothing happened. After a while, I put on a sundress and my makeup and ran errands. But what I wanted to happen..... no idea really, but in fantasy, I began to daydream. Had my Butterfly nearby just in case... ~~~He walks in silently, strips in the living room and embraces me from behind... total surprise! has has man hard against my waist and he's kissing my neck and ear telling me i'm so beautiful and my k… 阅读更多内容
After I had come back to work from being off for 2 weeks with my husband having Covid. Some of the ladies that I work with told me that there was a young gentleman in the office asking questions about me. They said that he was asking very personal questions. Like about my husband, k**s, etc. I asked them what they told him. They said that one of the ladies spilled all of the beans to this gentleman. About my husband’s serious medical emergency several years ago. My relationship, and struggles since then. So much for privacy in an office. But, it was no big deal. It wasn’t like most people didn… 阅读更多内容
TRUE STORY, Mom, Sons Nudity PART 5
After the day that our oldest son aged fifteen certainly intended for me to see his almost adult body in it's full display several weeks went by as full on summer in SC got into full on upper nineties hot and humid every day. As is usual, everyone wears a little less clothing as summer temps steadily rise. Both boys have always invited their friends to our home during schools out summer days to share our back yard pool with them. I have enjoyed watching a regular group of young people grow from six and seven year old boys and girls into fifteen and sixteen year old young adults. One particular… 阅读更多内容