CUNT: proposal for Oxford English Dictionary

The english language is getting so complicated with so many words having the same meaning so I suggest we get rid of these words: * woman * girl * female * wife * girlfriend * lady * Mrs * missus * Miss * madam * dame * bride * babe * damsel * doll * gal * lass * lassie * mademoisele * maid * maiden * mistress * honey * sweetheart * darling * bird * doughter * grandaugter * niece We should replace all these words with just one: CUNT!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 4 年 前 29

Fantastic shower wank

I don't shower much since the pandemic hit, I spend most of my time indoors wanking myself stupid as you know and somehow sitting here in my filth turns me on. Ocassionally though when I have to get out or so I have a shower, normally once every 1-2 weeks and that's when I have this kind of wank which sees my eyes go in the back of my head from the pleasure! I just crouch down and put the shower head under me, so the strong warm jet hits right under my bollocks and on my shithole and instantly my cock starts getting hard and leaking! just wanking my cock like this and I cum so quickly and so… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 4 年 前 11

video conference calls fetish

since the lockdown last year i been workin from home and spend a lot of time in conference calls wiv zoom. I'm naked around the house as i wank myself allover the house like a cunt since this madness began, but for these calls I put on a shirt and no one in the call is any wiser as to my cock and bollocks being out resting on the chair ! Often in these calls if I see a hot cunt I wait until she talk then i take a screenshot of her and print it later on and have a massive wank on her face! turns me on to "fuck" like that all the cunts I work with or talk to for work. just love to look at the p… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 4 年 前 7

Working and wanking from home since the pandemic

Since the pandemic started I've been working from home, and I'm in a lot of conference calls sometimes with video conference. Initially I used to get out of bed and shower and shave and do all that but soon i gave up: I am now bollocks naked most of the time around the house: I know no one will come and visit me :) And I gave up on the showering, I shower and shave once a week sometimes even less than that. Turns me on being constantly surrounded by my filth and feeling the smell of my cock and sweaty bollocks and feet and armpits and mancunt! walking around with cheesy cock and smelly feet j… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 4 年 前 4

I'm so fucking horny mmmm need shithole

nnnnnngggghhhhh fuckkk I'm horny I need a warm hairy shithole to push my dick into and cum mmmmmm come on you fucking cunt give me your shitter I wanna empty my bollocks in you!!!!!!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 4 年 前 12

This is what a romantic first date should be like!

[image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]47494… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 4 年 前 12

Me when I get cock

[image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]388668… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 4 年 前 7

When I'm wanking i look like this

Eyes go in the back of my head from pleasure, tongue sticks out and I'm drooling like an old cunt!!!!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 4 年 前 2

I'm gonna cum in your cunt, you fucking whore

Fucking my fist dreaming of cumming in your cunt!!!!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 4 年 前 19

Cunt is beautiful! I love cunt!!!

[image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]308048… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 5 年 前 19

Let your mommy open up to you

From this to this NOW SMELL THAT ASSHOLE AND CUNT!!!!… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 5 年 前 29

This is what I look like when i masturbate!

pleasure makes my eyes crossed and tongue out for more pleasure when masturbating eyes crossed with pleasure and tongue out always when i stroke tongue out always when i masturbate! tongue out drooling over myself while i masturbate, eyes crossed with pleasure tongue out and eyes crossed with pleasure… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 5 年 前 16

Masturbate more!!!!

MASTURBATION IS SOOOO GOOD I LOVE TO MASTURBATE A LOT !!!! [image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]2408929… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 5 年 前 50

Smell this, smell it!

Smell the asshole mmmmm… 阅读更多内容

发表者 labagiupervers 5 年 前 33