最后出现于 3 年 前
1365 天 在 XRMXX 上
6.5K 个人资料浏览次数
1.4K 个订阅者
4 条评论
I've always had dominant aspects to My personality, and My entire life I've struggled to find balance. I spent a lot of energy in the past trying to suppress these aspects of Myself, because for the longest time I judged Myself harshly and negatively. Following a series of events in My life, I’ve chosen to embrace and master My dominant side. For Me, BDSM and exploring My sexuality has allowed Me to open My mind and explore the boundaries of My needs and limits. I wish to help others do the same, and have a bit of evil fun at the same time. I’ve been a lifestyle Domme for many years, and over time I have developed a particular interest and expertise for medical play and corporal punishment.
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