
a little boy had the Runs,and says to his mom i need some Viagra,mom says why you need that, he said thats what you give to dad,because his SHIT wont get hard… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 9 年 前 2

Cum in your Ear

A Husband ask his wife can he Cum in her Ear? she said Hell No, besides i might get and Ear Infection.The Husband Replied by saying funny because when i cum in your mouth You never shut-up… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 9 年 前


Condoms dont guarantee SAFE SEX anymore... a friend of mine was wearing one when he was shot by the womans husband,lol… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 10 年 前


Remembering:Actress Ann B. Davis age 88 she played "Alice Nelson" on THE BRADY BUNCH,May she Rest in Peace… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 10 年 前


A woman was in ed with her Husbands friend,the phone rings,she answers and then hangs up,that was my husband Harry,dont worry he wont be home for a while,he's playing cards...with you… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 10 年 前


Saw MY EX getting jumped by 6 people at a party,So i helped out, she didnt stand a chance against the 7 of us… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 10 年 前 1


a 8 month pregnant woman tripped and fell and went into a c***,she woke up 2 months later to find out that she had given birth to twins a boy and a girl,the Dr.said the babies are fine,he said your brother named the k**s,NO not my brother he is a Idiot,so whats thier name? the girl is Denise,OK thats not so bad,the boy is De-nephew… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 10 年 前


The PILSBURY DOUGH BOY,died yesterday of an Yeast Infection,and constant "POKES"to the belly.He was 71 and survived by his wife Play Dough and 3 k**s John Dough,Jane Dough,and Dill Dough plus they had one in the oven.Service was held at 3:50 Degrees and last 20 Minutes,lol… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 11 年 前


ladies here is "A WOMAN'S GUIDE TO LOVE & LONG RELATIONSHIPS" #1 Find a Man who make you Laugh,#2 Fine a Man who has a good job % can Cook, #3 Find a Man who is Honest,#4 Find a Man who will Pamper you with Gifts,Find a Man who is Awesome in Bed #6 This Is Very Important! THAT THESE 5 MEN NEVER MEET,LOL… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 11 年 前

New GirlFriend

A man was lying on the bed with his NEW GIRLFRIEND, after having great sex,she spent the next hour rubbing his balls,(because its something she loves to do) he was enjoying it.he asked her Why do you like doing that,her reply Because i Miss Mine… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 11 年 前

Girls Night Out

2 married women decided to have a GIRLS NIGHT OUT,both got drunk,so they walked home,both had to pee,one used her panties to wipe with.the other grabbed a wreath off a grave,the next day one husband called the other and said no more GIRLS NIGHT OUT,my wife came home with no panties,you think thats bad my wife came home with a card in her crack that said,from all of us,we will never forget you,signed the fire dept… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 11 年 前


so researchers has found the product "REDBULL" contains The Sperm from a Male Cow (BULL)Wow i'm never ever wanted to try such a product,but i do feel sorry for all the Straight Guys (HETEROSEXUAL) who swear they will never ever suck another mans cock,but you will drink a cows sperm (Redbull)lol… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 11 年 前


to the females here at X-HAMSTER cite,please answer the following SURVEY:#1 are you a 2 hole woman,meaning Mouth and pussy?#2 or a 3 hole woman ,Mouth,Pussy,Anal?choose #1 or#2 please… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 11 年 前

N.B.A. News:

The Brooklyn Nets (Formerly New Jersey Nets)has signed Jason Collins the FIRST OPEN GAY PLAYER,i say Bravo, to Jason,The Nets, and The N.B.A change is coming especially when over 20 years ago when Erving "Magic" Johnson admitted that he had contracted HIV Virus and no player wanted to Play with him on the court.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 11 年 前


Hello fellow XHAMSTERS,did you here that the Porn Industry is required by Law to use Condoms to stay in Business? well some computer Geek invented away to DIGITALLY Remove the condoms from the video (s) Horay for Tecnology,i mean i wear them to protect myself from over 30 STD,and not including HIV/AIDS but that dont mean i have to like them, and tell you what it is a disgusting, make you want to Puke sight, when i see a movie and she and sometimes he has a GENITAL WART,i'm just saying… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 11 年 前 1

Thank you

Thanks to all of the readers of my stories.Thank you all for your comments.Honestly they are not Real.The sluts are a combination of women all gathered up in my mind.what a cluster fuck up there.The stories are designed to stimulated your body.(basicly JERK OFF MATERIAL).… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 14 年 前


It seems to me that I struck a nerve with DOUBLEVAGFAN,I gave my opinion about his videos and he didnot like fact he gave me a giant cup of STFU (SHUT THE FUCK UP) so when i tried to send a message HE BLOCKED ME,LOL thats kool.I noticed that he has a fantasy of trying DOUBLE VAGANA PENETRATION.since you BLOCKED ME,i hope that its you that is the VAGANA get double fucked,but i have feeling you might SECRETLY like that.LOL.… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 14 年 前 2


Just a special thanks to all my new SEXXY FRIENDS,Thank all of you for your INVITE,you will never know how much i appreciate. them… 阅读更多内容

发表者 libra4646 14 年 前