het is een paar jaar geleden. maar alles lijkt zo dichtbij, die dag dat je opeens was verdwenen. verdwenen van de wereld en terug naar de hemel werd gestuurd, de pijn had lang genoeg geduurd. het deed me zo een pijn om je te zien lijden, het stond vast dat je ziekte niet meer ging verdwijnen. er zijn van die dagen dat ik je nodig heb, ookal ben je in mijn gedachtes bij elke stap die ik zet. ik wil je vast houden maar ik stop met hopen, onze tijden zijn nou eenmaal afgelopen. ik wil het kunnen accepteren maar het lukt me niet, keer op keer vechten maar elke dag meer verdriet. ik kan het niet ac… 阅读更多内容
Just a dream, or.....
This is just a fantasy, never happened(yet)! My boyfriend had been away for a week on a businesstrip. I had missed him terribly, but he was comming home today, so i dissided to give him a warm welcome! I prepared a nice diner, placed some candles in the bed-, bath-, and livingroom and most important: i went into town urlier that day and bought a nice set of lingerie: pink silk cami and lace thong, very sexy and elegant. A nice bottle of wine and some strawberries for the finishing touch. About an hour before his arrival i took a nice warm bath, put on some make-up and my new outfit… 阅读更多内容
I need a new matras!!!!
Hy everyone, This one is, again, a true story. My girlfriend and i went shopping for groceries yesterday. You know: bread, butter, meat, T-paper,shampoo,soap and so on. Her boyfriend, Remco, has a skincondition that forces him to use showeroil instead of soap. Anyway, we came home with 5 bags of stuff. While unpacking it happened that suddenly we both were holding 2 bottles of previous mentioned oil. What a coinsidence!!!!! Readers with a rich fantasy can imagine what happened next. We were in a funny mood, i opened a bottle, shouted hands up or i,ll shoot, Desiree responded by opening o… 阅读更多内容
What does it take???
For everyone who wishes to contact me. I thought i made it perfectly clear i,m not interested in cocks and boobs as avatar. Why do i still have to decline upto 30 requests each day from people with just that on theire profile. Please read profiles and blogs before adressing someone, it saves us a lot of work and you a lot of dissappointments! Have a nice day!… 阅读更多内容
Nat avontuur!!!!!
Voor iedereen die interesse heeft........ NB sorry this one is in dutch, but i,m still to exited to write in english right now. I just wouldn,t find the words... Ik was vannacht op een zilveren bruiloft van de ouders van een vriend. Heel gezellig en netjes. Ze hadden de achtertuin voorzien van een groot zeil gespannen tussen de schuttingen met de buren, van het terras een dansvloer gemaakt, wat tafels, stoelen, een dj en een bar op wieletjes om de boel compleet te maken, alles heel handig en functioneel zeg maar.... Het feest verliep heel voorspoedig, de oudere gasten en het bruidspaa… 阅读更多内容
For all my (future) friends
Hello everybody, I am about to take the next step on this site, meaning to post some nude pics of myself and my girlfriend. BUT, before this is going to happen i will check my friendslist for fakers. So, if you are for real and wish to remain in contact with me, make sure you have a decent photo of yourself and a true story in your profile (if this give,s you any trouble, sent them to me by email [email protected], for my eyes only, guaranteed). In case of the any doubt, you will be removed of my list. I hope you are all who you say you are, because xhamster is a very goo… 阅读更多内容
Are you a man or are you a little boy?
What are you doing here? I just don,t get it. All day long i get messages from you men asking for pics, more pics, revealing pics, show me everything pics and so on. But when i ask for a pic of your face in return you all respond like scared little boys! Oh, sorry, i can,t show my face on a pornsite, i might get problems at work, my mommy...... WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?????? If you want to be a part of the adult world, start acting like an adult. If not, get out and stop waisting our time. Is it so weird for a girl wanting to know who she,s talking to? Be a man, please!!!!… 阅读更多内容