So, I haven't been on here for a while. Sorry, I'm doing okay, just been a little busy lately. Something that I'm thinking about is starting a new account here. When I first started this account it was just for personal enjoyment but since then I've started doing content. While I'm not ashamed of what I do and am quite open about my life it is a good idea to use a fake name (namely for safety concerns because there are a lot of weirdos out there). At the same time, I've grown and fostered this account for a long time now. Tough decisions. IDK… 阅读更多内容
I'm still alive
I'm sorry that I haven't been on here very much lately. I've been going through some major stuff lately. Things almost got to me, in a really bad way. I'm still alive and I'm doing okay today. Just taking things one minute at a time. Keep swimming Just keep swimming… 阅读更多内容
A call to action
Okay, so this goes out to all the peeps in the U.S. Tomorrow, November 6, is the midterm elections. While I am not going to endorse any specific candidates or even party I will say this, the Republican party has dedicated itself to, at the least, making my life as difficult as it possibly can and elements within said party openly calling for my removal from society. I am calling on any of you who see this and enjoy the content that I and my trans sisters put out for you to vote tomorrow and vote these MAGA bigots out of office. Please, some of our lives might depend on it.… 阅读更多内容
Quick rant
I got a message from a certain scumbag: "...I am hiv+ and I can breed you with that..." Then he gets mad when I turn him down. Well excuse me but I don't want that shit (HIV/AIDS) anywhere near me. Get over yourself. Seriously what kind of a sicko would do that to another human being. FOAD End rant… 阅读更多内容